South Korea, Japan & China condemn North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-Un after he tests his 5th & most powerful nuclear warhead The Supreme leader of North Korea Kim Jong-Un on Friday morning carried out the launch of its most powerful nuclear warhead - a move that's sure to rile the US and neighboring South Korea. Neighboring South Korea stated this morning it believes this is the North’s biggest nuke test to date – reportedly twice the size of that which leveled Hiroshima. According to North Korea's state run media in Pyongyang, the warhead could be mounted on ballistic rockets and would enable North Korea to produce "a variety of smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear warheads of higher strike power." Melissa Hanham, a senior research associate at James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies told CNN; "It's hard for us to verify their claim. My deep fear is that they will launch a live nuclear weapon on one of their missiles, but that would be extremely dangerous as that could trigger a war,"