MID_FREDERIK_SUMMER01_STRONGEST: I feel that I've gotten much stronger\nsince I came here. You've put a lot\nof time and energy into my training.$k$pHonestly, I had my misgivings at\nfirst. I never expected you to take me\nseriously, dressed like this...$k$pHow wrong I was. You helped me\ntrain. Even so, I worried that you\nmight earn my trust and then...$k$pyou'd spring a terrible surprise on me.\nI spent my nights sleepless, certain\nyou'd suddenly force me to eat bear...$k$pBut thinking about it, I confess I can\nsee no reason you'd ever do that,\nSummoner.$k$pTo make amends, I'll give my utmost\non the battlefield.$k$pI've always relied on my armor, but\nnow it's my zeal that will see me\nthrough! MID_GUIRE_SUMMER01_STRONGEST: Man, is it hot... Wait. What do you\nwant? I don't have any sweets to\nshare...$k$pYou saw the tattoo on my arm when\nI was swimming?!$k$pKeep it down! I'm trying to keep a lid\non that...$k$pIt's a mark they put on convicts\nwhere I come from. I did a favor for a\nbuddy, and that's what it got me...$k$pTalk is cheap, and I don't need your\npity. But...it's nice to know you're not\njudging me for my past.$k$pAnd you know what? It's summer. I\nshould let loose and try to have fun.\nBe a good guy for once.$k$pAfter all, I've got you on my side, don't\nI? Things could be worse! MID_TIKI_A_SUMMER01_STRONGEST: Thanks for taking the time to come\nand see me, even with this heat... Or\nis it just me? $k$pWe Heroes who dropped in from the\nresort seem to be stuck in an eternal\nsummer... I'm not sure why.$k$pThis world is certainly mysterious. I've\nseen so many summers, but none\nhave been as thrilling as this one.$k$pI thought I'd gotten to an age where\nnothing could surprise me, but I was\nwrong about that!$k$pThis summer has filled me with the joy\nof a child. I find myself wishing it\nwould not end. $k$pI want to stay here with you.\n MID_REFLET_F_SUMMER01_STRONGEST: We did a good job out there, despite\nthe heat. Did you lose focus during\nthe battle? No? That's good!$k$pAt the resort, fighting in the heat didn't\nbother me one bit, but here...it does.\nIt's strange.$k$pMaybe it's because there, I was\nfocused on strategy! You know what\nI'm talking about, don't you?$k$pI'm so glad we met. It's nice to have\nanother tactician to talk to. You\nunderstand what I'm saying... $k$pI had a great time at the resort, but I\nthink it's even more fun to talk about\nstrategy like this.$k$pAnd it doesn't hurt that you're letting\nme take a vacation from being a\ntactician during battle!$k$pI hope we can keep talking like this...\nTwo tacticians, striving for the ultimate\nstrategy!