Rice Diet For Weight Loss: Rigid And Easy Rice Diet: Rice Diet Menu Rice Diet For Weight Loss It's no secret that Rice is the main food for 2/3 of the population of our planet. And this is not surprising because the stability of harvests, the duration of grain storage and ease in cooking make this crop accessible to virtually any social stratum. From the point of view of dietetics, rice also has a lot of advantages, because, with a relatively small volume, it saturates our body with a huge amount of carbohydrates, giving a feeling of satiety and charging with energy for the whole day. Getting into the intestine rice grains swell and, like a sponge move along its walls, cleaning them from the slag. In this case, rice is an excellent source of potassium and calcium, in addition, it perfectly regulates the magnesium-phosphorus balance and protects the cardiovascular system. Thanks to all these advantages, numerous rice diets enjoy constant popularity and bring the maximum effect. For those who decided to try a rice diet, we recommend replenishing potassium deficiency by taking mineral supplements throughout the diet. Of the variety of rice varieties, one should dwell on unpeeled rice, since it is this species that brings the greatest benefit to the body. And now we will get acquainted with varieties of rice diet. Rigid Rice Diet A feature of this type of rice diet is strict dietary restrictions. In a day it is necessary to eat 1 glass of boiled rice, using it in small portions all the day long and washing down with apple juice. Rigid rice diet lasts only 1-3 days, and it can be repeated no more than once a month. Easy Rice Diet More sparing kind of rice diet is calculated for 7-10 days and can be repeated no more often than 1 time in two months. In a day you should eat about 500 grams of boiled rice. During cooking, you can add up to 200 grams of lean fish or meat, some vegetables, and fruits. In a day, you can eat up to 500 grams of fruit between meals in food rice. Drink also follows apple juice, or unsweetened tea and mineral table water. A nice feature of an easy diet is that you do not need to strictly adhere to the menu written throughout the course. You can diversify the menu with dairy products, cheeses, herbs, fruit teas and natural juices. It is worth noting that the natural apple juice squeezed with a juicer is best diluted with a mineral water in a ratio of 1: 1, while the purchase has already been diluted for you, so you can drink it in unlimited quantities. Exclude from the diet will have salt, as salted rice does not bring so many positive moments. In order to maximize the effect, it is recommended to arrange an unloading "rice" day about once a week. Now let's move on to the diet itself. Rice diet menu: Monday. Breakfast - a glass of rice boiled with the addition of low-fat milk, apple baked - 1 piece, tea or coffee unsweetened. Lunch - a slice of bread with bran, thin slice of ham. Herbal tea or a milky-carrot cocktail. Lunch - vegetable broth (300 ml) with the addition of chicken breast (100 g), and rice (50 g). Afternoon snack - rice loaf with slices of tomato and mozzarella (10 gr). Supper - mix 50 grams of boiled rice with apple slices and grapes (100 grams). Pour all this with milk serum (100 ml). Tuesday. Breakfast - kiwi (1 piece), banana (1 piece) 1/4 grapefruit pineapple fresh (100 g). Fruit mix with boiled rice (100 g) Lunch - a slice of bread with bran, tuna (50 gr), a green salad. Lunch - mix 50 grams of boiled rice with 1 fried onion, previously cut into cubes, add rapeseed oil (1 teaspoon) and 250 ml of broth. Cook for about 5 minutes. Serve with sour cream (1 teaspoon). Snack - bread with pumpkin seeds (1 slice), cottage cheese (30 grams), greens. Dinner - cream 10% fat (5 tablespoons), white wine (5 tablespoons), pour this mixture of sea bass (200 g) and put out. Serve brown rice as a garnish (40 g). Wednesday. Breakfast - rice porridge with skim milk (200 g.), Sprinkled with linseed (1 tablespoon). Stir with pineapple cubes (100 gr.). Tea or coffee without sugar. Lunch - half hard boiled eggs, grapefruit (1 piece), green salad (1 leaf) a piece of tomato. Lunch - 50 grams of green peas to simmer with half a bulb in vegetable oil. Stir in the boiled rice (100 grams). Afternoon snack - smoked salmon (1 slice) bread with bran, green salad (100 g), olive oil (1 tsp). Dinner - 2 tangerines divided into slices and cut into slices, add crab meat (50 g), and boiled rice (50 g). Fill 1 tbsp vinegar and rapeseed oil, add a half-spoonful of mustard. Thursday. Breakfast - Boil the brown rice (100 g), add 100 grams. Stewed vegetables. Serve with chicken breast (100 grams) or low-fat ham (40 grams). Lunch - coffee or tea unsweetened, bread with bran, cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. L. Lunch - boil rice (50 g), add a little turmeric. Add half of mango, a green onion stalk and 1 tomato to rice. Mix half a glass of yogurt with lemon juice (half a lemon) and pour rice. Sprinkle with finely chopped greens. Snack - half cooked egg, rice loaf, 1 slice of lettuce. Pour the second loaf of cheese cottage cheese, sprinkle with herbs. Dinner - rice porridge with skim milk (200 g), dried fruits (50 g). Insist 20 minutes. Friday. Breakfast - pumpkin (150 g), cut into cubes and fried with rice (50 g) and Apple (50 g). Season with cinnamon and honey (1 tsp). Lunch - bread with bran, a piece of salmon. Lunch - 1 onion, 2 tomatoes, 1 zucchini cut into cubes and passer in rapeseed oil. Add boiled rice (50 g), 100 ml of broth on vegetables and cook for 10 minutes. Add 150 grams of cod fillets and simmer for another 5 minutes. Snack - a sandwich with lean ham, a glass of juice from an orange. Dinner - stuff 2 medium-sized tomatoes with boiled rice (100 g) and finely chopped ham (30 g), season with fried onions. Tomatoes pour with olive oil and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Saturday. Breakfast - fruit salad from several fruits. Lunch - milk and fruit cocktail. 100 grams of fresh pineapple cut into cubes and toasted bread. Lunch - lean lamb (150 grams), a half of Bulgarian pepper, a small zucchini and a ring of onions. All this is strung on a skewer and bake on the grill. Cook the boiled brown rice (50 grams) as a garnish. Snack - tomato juice (150 grams), half a roll, 1 cutlet on soy ground meat (30 grams). Dinner - 50 grams of rice boiled in a vegetable broth with green peas and several highlights. Finely chop half a bulb to half a pot of chili pepper. Drizzle with soy sauce and sprinkle with grated ginger. Fry a few shrimps and serve with rice. Sunday. Breakfast - rice muesli (100 g) pour yogurt (150 ml). Lunch - egg ladle, salad leaf, a piece of tomato and 1 grapefruit. Lunch - 50 grams of boiled brown rice mixed with slices of kiwi, half an apple and 2 slices of fresh pineapple. Fill 3 tablespoons of yogurt and add a little salt. Serve the salad in a chicken roll (30 gr). Afternoon snack - a sandwich with greens and curd cheese (30 gr). Dinner - half an apple, 1 sausage, half a bell pepper and 50 grams of cooked rice. Pour with yogurt and sprinkle finely chopped greens.