Players needed: 3 judges Any number of video submitters RULES: Before the show, users of Coinchat submit what they believe to be some of the best videos on the internet. During the timespan of the show, all approved videos are shown to the judges, one by one. For a video to be shown to the judges, it must fulfill at least these two requirement: -be at LEAST 60 seconds long -be appropriate for the under 18 crowd Any user may submit up to two videos for the judges to view. Judges are not allowed to submit videos themselves. The host will have the final call on whether videos will be shown to the judges or not. Why must videos be at least 60 seconds long? Here's why. Each of the judges has a giant GONG behind them (well, not really, but you get the point). Once the judges are at least 45 seconds into the video, they have the option to GONG a video, thus eliminating it from further contention in the competition. If the video survives its time without being GONGED, each judge awards it a score from 0-10 points. Each score is combined to form an overall score for the video, from 0-30 points. Once all the videos for a show have been exhausted, the video with the highest score WINS, and its submitter wins .09 mBTC. In the case of a tie, the judges will make the decision as to which video of those tied wins. THE GONG SHOW HALL OF FAME: Nothing, yet.