Playing with dolls has been taken to a whole new level. Pornography website xHamster just created sex dolls based on users favorite Pornstars. The dolls are customized to the preferences of its most active users. xHamster’s sex doll is named xHamsterina. Clever. The porn website polled its users with a large list of physical traits they seek in sex partners, then used the data to create the perfect replica of a woman. Alex Hawkins, the Vice President of xHamster spoke out saying “our viewers love watching porn, but most of them were watching it alone. So we partnered with the experts at iDoll to create the perfect companion for the modern man.” Excuse me while I go gag. Look. What kind of a person do you think is buying this porn doll? Is it a porn doll loving gentleman? Someone who will treat xHamsterina like the lady she deserves to be treated as? Folks. FOLKS. Somehow I doubt it. For shame, nation's perverts. For shame. If you want xHamsterina, she’s yours for a solid $2990. What do you guys think of this? Are you a modern man looking for a plastic companion?