The current year's key advancements will fixate on fears about how changing innovation is influencing the nature of data and the condition of our majority rules system. The entry of Donald Trump in the White House and decisions in France and Germany will feature the expanding influence of new correspondence channels as customary media keeps on losing both impact and cash. All the more generally there'll be warmed level headed discussion about the part and size of tech stages and the degree to which their exercises ought to be directed. Manmade brainpower (AI) assumes control from versatile as the most blazing theme in innovation, however the functional and moral situations around how it will be utilized turned out to be always evident as the year progressed. All the more particularly: A pile of activities over alleged 'fake news' from the two distributers and stages neglect to reestablish open trust. Truth checking administrations move the all important focal point. We'll see additionally work cuts and misfortunes over the news business. More papers in the US and Europe leave business, thin down or wind up plainly online-as it were. More concentrate on algorithmic responsibility, the utilization of information for focusing on, and the energy of innovation organizations. We'll see a reaction from distributers over Facebook Live as introductory ventures demonstrate hard to manage and monetise. Distributers constrain more individuals to sign-in/enlist for sites and applications and in addition putting vigorously in information to help convey more customized substance and informing. Expect across the board advancement with informing applications, talk bots and the specialty of 'conversational reporting'. A greater amount of us will be conversing with PCs by means of voice driven individual partners, similar to Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri and Google's Assistant. Huge year for sound/podcasts as Facebook takes off social and live sound arrangements. There'll be a blast of versatile cautions for news, as the fight for the lockscreen warms up. We'll see more experimentation with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), however comes about keep on disappointing for news. Digital wars escalate alongside the fights amongst governments and nationals over the cutoff points of individual reconnaissance. More government officials take after the lead of Donald Trump in utilizing online networking to characterize issues, break new arrangement and as a substitute for conventional media get to. In our review of 142 driving Editors, CEOs and Digital Leaders for this report: 70% said stresses over the conveyance of fake/off base news in informal organizations will reinforce their position, while… 46% say they are more stressed in regards to the part of stages than a year ago 56% say Facebook Messenger will be vital or essential piece of their offsite activities this year. 53% say the same for WhatsApp and 49% for Snapchat 33% of respondents from a daily paper foundation are more stressed over their organization's money related maintainability than a year ago; only 8% are less stressed