Princess tutu fanfiction => Duck tried to reason with Fakir about allowing Mytho to have a heart, but he refuses to listen. But she only hated because she was awful, selfish and wretched, and because she could see people more deserving of the Prince's love wherever she looked. In , Fakir held and comfort Mytho with words and touch after a shard of his heart returned, causing him to be terrified. Ahiru shuddered and snuggled deeper into the soft quilt. Turns out, she wasn't far off. What if the Raven didnt die? But even as he put that deceptively simple idea into words for the first time, even if only in his own thoughts, all the old doubts returned. He is very put off by this. The first season mostly plays the typical fairytale structure straight outside of the fact that the princess is saving the prince , only to defy it in the second season when the characters rebel against their assigned fairy tale roles as the prince, princess, villain and knight and decide to literally. It didn't say anything about dancing. Extend your reach from beyond the grave. The words from his dream, the idea of giving his humanity to her, persisted. I'm so sorry for everything that I said to you in the past, and the misfortunate I seemed to always give you. Her body felt limp from all the bruises from the crows, but she sighed and snuggled her head back into the pillow, releasing a heavy sigh. The trees were thinning and her surroundings were becoming more and more familiar, even by moonlight, and she knew she was very close. Cat or are animal names with a name-suffix attached to it Anteaterina, Miss Goatette. Chapter 3 - These are recommendations made by Tropers for fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. These are recommendations made by Tropers for fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting though; that goes in the discussion page. However, are they a match for those who know the flow of the Story. More or less in that order. Pre-Utena Anthy wanders the world and encounters Mytho and Rue. A fleshing out of fairytale archetypes ensues. Comparison between both characters sheds light onto some of the parts of Utena. Both Anthy and Rue are trapped in their roles in their stories, and each character tries to make sense of their existential imprisonment. Interesting look at Drosselmyer's wife, if somewhat in need of an editor in places. Excellent characterization and use of the Princess Tutu canon to create something original, emotional, and just wonderfully written. It'll have princess tutu fanfiction on the edge of your seat. I hope this does not end up a dead fic for that would be very unfortunate for this story to go to waste. princess tutu fanfiction I've been reading fanfiction for years, have come across some incredible stories, and have a bizarrely high standard for writing. It's written in a gorgeous, well-woven fairy tale-esque style that is reminiscent of the tales that inspired its anime. The plot is well thought out with several chilling mysteries and questions that have yet to be answered. The character's development and interactions are in character and develop in ways that parallel the original universe. It may be the best fan written story I had ever read, be it for a fandom or princess tutu fanfiction. Why are you still looking at this silly recommendation. Soon her life is thrown into unbalance, with the Fakir Romeiras watching over her as he pursues Principe and the Corvo Family. It's very, very well written and the characters fit the setting perfectly, and each role they've been assigned suits them to a tee, from Rue the to Mytho the young heir to the Corvo Family's name to Charon the police captain and Raestel here called Rachel for reasons explained in the story the opera singer. The pacing is done amazingly well, and at times, it's easy to forget you're reading a story. But the only question is, do the characters have other plans. Ahiru is now a normal girl instead of a duck, Mytho has his heart and is more expressive, Fakir is barely less of a jerk and Rue is pretty much the same. But everything starts to change after the two girls accept the power of mysterious beings, only known as Odette and Svanna. Instead of the threat of The Raven, Fakir now must protect Mytho's heart of a mysterious swan princess, but his doubts on those close to him may be his downfall, specially with a more sadistic and careful Drosselmayer watching over, like a vulture, in order to prevent any trace of hope. What could be behind them. Are the people of Kinkan Town truly free from the strings of its dark past, or do remnants of it still haunt their supposedly happy endings. It is complete at 26 chapters translating to 13 episodes and includes some well thought out ideas, and delves into into intersting implications of the original. Mytho was prince from a story, right. So he must have backstory. So he investigates Princess Tutu. However, even stories that are already over can be influential. From where she came from. How she got her powers. The story is very good, and really is a good interpretation of the original Tutu. Until a strange girl appears and makes Ahiru human again. But now Ahiru has no memories of Fakir or anything about princess tutu fanfiction story. And what is this about the kingdom of birds. What if Ahiru is called back and forgets all her experiences in Crown Town, including Fakir. Of course he won't let her go so easily. And his stumbburness will get him cursed, in more than a way. Autor bequeaths The Princess Tutu Collection to Gold Crown Museum. The story is continued in the museum plaques describing the pieces. The in the anime translates perfectly to the museum collection — especially with the knowledge that it's going on in the early twentieth century — and the curators are just unreliable enough for the endings to be incredibly ambiguous yet completely heartwrenching no matter what. But what if the author had never interfered. What if the story remained stopped at the beginning. Puppets that were forced into roles are now cut free of their strings left to their own devices. Will they still get a happy ending. He and his gallant knight lived in a Kingdom of perpetual peace. That is, until the day when princess tutu fanfiction Monster Raven appeared and laid waste to the land. The cities crumbled, the people suffered, and in the face of this colossus the Prince took up his sword. But his actions have unintended consequences. Will be enough to stop an evil. I recommend this to fans of the series who wish to see the fairy tale motifs continue to be explored. This troper's only complaint was that the story called her 'Duck,' instead of 'Ahiru. It was heartbreaking, deep, complex—absolutely gorgeous. It's very rare to find this kind of quality, fanfiction or original works. I can see that a lot of thought was put into it. This should be season three of Princess Tutu. Can any one tell me how to make a page. Ratings and focus for each will vary. And yet all of them portray an important aspect to Fakir and Ahiru's relationship. It's bittersweet, well written, and a unique take on what could happen after the show. Writing an ending, Fakir realised, was another matter entirely. This story builds up to the events of the fourth episode, so there may be some slight spoilers. Everything she knows and wants is changed, however, when she is kidnapped by the Dragon Clan and drawn into a tale of curses, war, and love. Description is perfectly balanced with action and the pace is wonderful; brimming with homages to the original canon, this troper can't recommend Curse of the Dragon enough. In her desperation she accepts an offer from Drosselmeyer to become Princess Tutu again. The catch: she'll die in one year.