Look, just because someone was once charged for "resisting an officer with violence", had a restraining order placed against him because of domestic violence (which, showing he's always been a sly dog, he also took out one on his gf at the time), shot a kid dead after ranting about how "these assholes always get away", attacked his father-in-law, threatened his wife and destroyed a piece of her property, left a target with bullet holes in it on their front door, and now has put his gun in another girlfriend's face after destroying her property... does not mean he has a propensity for violence. Surely a man like that is just misunderstood and everyone should use the word "alleged" when talking about these things... unless of course you're taking Zimmerman's side of the story in which case everything he's said is pretty much stone cold fact. Why does everyone hate this poor traumatized good Samaritan? It's just not fair.