connection = $connection; $this->compress = $compress; $this->importFilename = $filepath; $this->utf8 = true; return $this->setDatabase($db); } /** * Sets the database to work on * @param string $db The database name */ function setDatabase($db){ $this->database = $db; if ( !@mysql_select_db($this->database) ) return false; return true; } /** * Read from SQL file and make sql query */ function importSql($file) { // Reading SQL from file echo "Reading SQL from file '".$this->importFilename."': "; if ($this->compress) { $lines = gzfile($file); } else { $lines = file($file); } echo " DONE!\n"; echo "Importing SQL into database '".$this->database."': "; $x = 0; $importSql = ""; $procent = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { // Print progress $x++; $numOfLines = count($lines); if ($x%(int)($numOfLines/20) == 0) { $procent += 5; if ($procent%25 == 0) echo "$procent%"; else echo "."; } // Importing SQL $importSql .= $line; if ( substr(trim($line), strlen(trim($line))-1) == ";" ) { $query = @mysql_query($importSql, $this->connection); if (!$query) return false; $importSql = ""; } } return true; } /** * Import SQL file into selected database */ public static function doImport() { if ( !$this->setDatabase($this->database) ) return false; if ( $this->utf8 ) { $encoding = @mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $this->connection); } if ( $this->importFilename ) { $import = $this->importSql($this->importFilename); if (!$import) echo "\n".mysql_error($this->connection)."\n"; else echo " DONE!\n"; return $import; } else { return false; } } function sayHello() { echo "hoy import"; } } ?>