"He is in the library with Alberti," was the reply. "But why wasn't I told? I never knew he had come!" exclaimed Huddle. "No one knows he is here," said Clovis; "the quieter we can keep matters the better. And on no account disturb him in the library. Those are his orders." "But what is all this mystery about? And who is Alberti? And isn't the Bishop going to have tea?" "The Bishop is out for blood, not tea." "Blood!" gasped Huddle, who did not find that the thunderbolt improved on acquaintance. "Tonight is going to be a great night in the history of Christendom," said Clovis. "We are going to massacre every Jew in the neighbourhood." "To massacre the Jews!" said Huddle indignantly. "Do you mean to tell me there's a general rising against them?" "No, it's the Bishop's own idea. He's in there arranging all the details now." "But - the Bishop is such a tolerant, humane man." "That is precisely what will heighten the effect of his action. The sensation will be enormous."