Boas Pessoal venho aqui postar um game core novo 54k by Vanilla versão corrente 2.4.1 Versão em desenvolvimento 2.5 *FUNÇÃO: + removed the license functions so the server won't connect to a license server nor check if your server is valid+ removed the time limitation so it won't even check the time limit. This crash issue is completely fixed.+ merged all the exp tables to the "exp_table_common" which will be used by ANY locale. You can change the needed exp for 200 levels there.+ Max_level can be raised in the CONFIG file to a maximum of 255.+ status points will be given at any level. It depends now on Max_level so if you set max_level to 120 you'll get status points until level 120!+ fixed vampirism effects so you won't loose hp when you make an overkill (suras may embrace this change)+ exp bonus now works comulutative instead of just making a chance to get double exp. If you have 20% exp bonus in your items you'll get 20% more exp at any time.+ Rewrote the version check. You can now set your server version in your CONFIG-file and let it check with the client version. If serverversion != clientversion the server will print a message and kick the player out+ Raised the gold limit up to 999.999.999.999+ membuf-errors fixed! Now you have a optimized buffer length so it won't consume much RAM but still have enough to not kick players out.+ you can now give priv_empire (or other priv's) up to 2000% at any time.+ a lot of new quest functions, when triggers and CONFIG-options+ more stability and performance especially since it's compiled with a newer gcc version+ Optimization flags and linker optimization enabled+ ip's beginning with 5. and 25. are now allowed by the internal ip-check+ Items can now be sold for 0 gold+ 6/7 bonus are now working+ name-change works with every locale+ gold overflow: Now resets the gold to the maximum value to fight against gold overflow+ horse-table has new entries for up to level 51. Raising the level extends the horse-stats.+ New error handling for bonus overflow. Now the bonus will be set to the maximum generating a warning in your syserr+ player movement speed will be observerd by the server now and set down to the maximum value if it's too high.+ Skills can now apply new bonuses! You can e. g. raise your int-attribute+ Dbcache can now start without txt-files+ If you're warped into a non-existing map or non-existing coordinates your coordinates will be resetted to map1 of your village; You won't need unstuckers anymore+ adminpage_ip set to localhost by default so it'll only listen to itself to prevent attackings from API tool. Additionally it's disabled by default and you can enable it with a CONFIG-option. Say good bye to the API tool!+ Tons of bug fixes even YMIR had!+ Completely rebuild of the source with gcc4.9, cryptopp 5.6.2 and boost 1.55; new optimizations flags and C++11 are enabled to make the core much more faster and more stable!+ Advanced spam protection installed!+ Unknown packet headers will no longer lead to a disconnect though they'll get dropped+ Second binary compiled with 4 inventory pages!+ Added the new skill flags so they can use FIRE, ICE, ELEC and DARK+ Anti-Exp in the game source+ reload q corrected. Note! Still not recommended. But if it's crashing, it'll now notice you. Gameplay Changes + HP/MP overflow fixed+ yang limit raised to unsigned long long int!+ Fixed a huge load of format errors that'd actually crash the core!+ Speedhack limit fixed so you won't get teleported back when riding+ item.remove() won't remove stacks anymore! It'll just reduce the amount of the stack by 1. It there's only one left, the item will be removed.+ Bypass to createa guild under level 40 fixed!+ Guild wars won't crash the core anymore!+ immune bug fixed (completely!!!)+ Anti-Overflow mechanism prevents people from receiving too much gold+ prisma glass system enabled and fixed+ 6/7 bonuses work+ polymorph bug fixed+ invisibility bug fixed+ empire exploit fixed+ belt system and dragon soul system enabled+ level size raised up to a normal int+ You can put items for 0 gold in a shop+ Exp can go higher than long int. It's now unsigned long long int (which makes higher exp requirements possible) New Config-options MAX_LEVEL_STATUS: unsigned intForces a maximum level. If you level up higher than this, you'll receive no status points anymore. MAX_STATUS: unsigned intSets a maximum of distributed status points. If you e. g. set it to 20, you can only raise your stat's by 20 each status. SERVER_CHECK: 1/0Checks if the client version and the server version are the same. If not, the server will send a message to the client and kick him out after a few seconds. SERVER_VERSION: unsigned intThere you can set the version of your server for the SERVER_CHECK. MAX_HT: unsigned intIt's the same option than MAX_STATUS but only for the con-attribute. MAX_IQ: unsigned intIt's the same option than MAX_STATUS but only for the int-attribute. MAX_ST: unsigned intIt's the same option than MAX_STATUS but only for the str-attribute. MAX_DX: unsigned intIt's the same option than MAX_STATUS but only for the dex-attribute. ATTR_ALWAYS_ADD: 1/0If enabled you'll get 100% chance to add new attributes to you equipment. ATTR_ALWAYS_5_ADD: 1/0If enabled you'll get 100% chance to add new attributes to you equipment. Counts only for 5th Bonus (blessing marble). ATTR_CHANGE_LIMIT: intYou can set a limit time to change your attributes again. It's changed to seconds (set it to 1 to let the users switch only once per second their attributes). GUILD_MAX_LEVEL: intSets the maximum guild level. You can raise it up to 50 since the exp-table is extended to handle up to 50. ITEM_OWNERSHIP_TIME: intIf you drop an item, this option sets how long the item will be flagged as yours. MIN_ADDON_FKS: intSets the minimum ability bonus dmg you can have. MAX_ADDON_FKS: intSets the maximum ability bonus dmg you can have. MIN_ADDON_DSS: intSets the minimum normal hit bonus dmg you can have. MIN_ADDON_DSS: intSets the maximum normal hit bonus dmg you can have. SKILLBOOK_DELAY: intSets the time limit for reading a book (e. g. if you read skill books you'll have to wait x seconds until you can read the same skill book again). SKILLBOOK_NEED_EXP: intSets the exp you need for reading a book. SKILLBOOK_ALWAYS_BOOK: 1/0Sets if every book will be handled as you'd have used a skillbook chance amplifier. GOLD_DROP_TIME_INTERVAL: intSets how long you have to wait until you can drop gold again. SEQUENCE_CHECK: 1/0Enables a check if the sequence table is the same than the client's one. SKILLBOOK_STEP_LEVELING: 1/0Enables the need of more books for raising a skill (e. g. you need 2 books from m2 to m3). RAISE_EMPIRE_PRICES: 1/0Enables the raise of prices if you buy items in another empire. HORSE_MAX_LEVEL: intSets the maximum level of your horse (you still need to write quests or something like that to allow players to achieve the higher horse-levels). MARRIAGE_MAX_PERCENT: intSets the maximum allowed percent of love points. Warning! If love points > 100 it'd lead into bugs with breaking the marriage. PC_MAX_MOVEMENT_SPEED: intSets the maximum movement speed for players. PC_MAX_ATTACK_SPEED: intSets the maximum attack speed for players. MOB_MAX_MOVEMENT_SPEED: intSets the maximum movement speed for mobs. MOB_MAX_ATTACK_SPEED: intSets the maximum attack speed for mobs. TAXES: intFrom 0 to 100. Sets the % how much taxes you have to pay while shopping. DYE_LEVEL: intSets how many levels you have to get after you can change your hair color again. YANG_MAX: long longSets the maximum gold you can carry. You can change it up to 999.999.999.999 gold. package_enable: 0/11 = enabled. Disabled by default. Enable to use the package-feature. log_level: 0/1/2Sets the logging level. 0 means to logs will be entered in your database.1 means that the most important tables (hack-logs for example) will be used2 means that all logging tables will be used new_test_server: 0/1Protects your test-server so the gamecore will check if accounts are written into gmlist before granting them implementor-privileges. new_gm_host_check: 1/0Checks the gmhost and gmlist for the right ip before granting privileges. Disabled by default. adminpage_enable: 1/0Enables the adminpage-features. Disabled by default (say bye bye to API tools) adminpage_no_localhost: 1/0Disables the security feature which inserts localhost into your adminpage_ip so it'll only listen to localhost. item_floor_time: intSet the time how long a dropped item will be lying on the ground (by monsters) max_rank_points: long intSet the maximum rank points movement_speed: intSet the initial movement speed for players. belt_all_allow_items: 0/1Allow Players to store every item in their belt inventory attr_rare_enable: 0/1Allow the using of rare attributes (6th and 7th attributes). Default: ON. GOLD_DROP_TIME: intSets the time how long dropped gold will lay on the ground until it's purged. ITEM_DROP_TIME: intSets how long dropped items will lay on the ground intil it's purged. BELT_FORCE_SLOTS: intForces to open up the given amount of slots in your belt inventory. If this value is higher than the grade of your belt, it'll open the given amount of slots. If it's lower, the amount your belt provides will be used. For example: You set 10. You've got a belt that opens 5 slots. 10 will be opened. Now you set 4 and still have the same belt. This time 5 slots will be opened. This does also work when no belts are weared. But be careful: Since there's also a clientside part the slots may appear to be locked but you can still put items into them trade_effect: 1/0Enables a effect that'll occur when people are traing stuff. Enabled by default. ban_force_reason: 1/0This lets the ban-command only work when you're giving a reason. Disabled by default. start_gold: long intLet's players start with a custom amount of gold. Default: 0. view_equip_for_all: 1/0Let's player view equip of others! Disabled by default. view_equip_sp_cost: intSets the cost of using view_equip. This is in % so if you type in 30 then it'll cost 30% of the players maximum sp. Default: 0. glass_enable: 1/0Enables the prisma glass-system to print your items in the chat. Disabled by default. glass_needed: 1/0Sets if you need a glass for using the prisma glass-system or not. Enabled by default. trade_effect_exchange_threshold: intSets the threshold to create another effect when making an exchange. Default: 500000. This means, that every 500000 gold traded away there'll be another fly effect created trade_effect_shop_threshold: intSame as trade_effect_exchange_threshold; This points to buying items in shops. Default: 100000000. VERSIONCHECK_KICK_DELAY: intDefault is 10. Sets the time until the player is kicked when a version mismatch is occured. Takes only effect if the versioncheck is enabled. EMOTION_WITHOUT_MASK: 1/0Default is 0. Lets you define if you won't need a mask to use emotions. EMOTION_SAME_GENDER: 1/0Default is 0. Lets you define if people will be able to use emotions on the same gender. Notice: This'd possibly look awkward because the animations doesn't match CHECK_SPEEDHACK_ENABLE: 1/0Default is 1. Lets you define if you want to use the speedhack/synchack check. Warning! Make sure you only use this for debugging purpose! You can fine-tune the variables for the speedhack in your CONFIG, so this should normally not be touched! QUEST_TRIGGER_ENABLE: 1/0Default is 1. Lets you define if you want to use the new execute-trigger. EXP_NEED_THRESHOLD: unsigned long long intAllows you to set the exp needed if your level is higher than the maximum level of the exp table SKILL_MASTER_UPGRADE: intSets the minimum level when your skill can jump to master. If it's set to 1 for example, then it'd happen that your skill jumps to m1 at any level. SKILL_FORCE_MASTER: 1/0Lets you define if your skill will definitely raise to m1 if it hits the minimum level for jumping. So if you're enabling this, then your skill will definitely (unless you set SKILL_MASTER_UPGRADE) raise to m1 when hitting 17. BUGFIX_SURA_MANASHIELD: 1/0Default is disabled. Fixes the sura manashield so it'll now scale with the proper value instead of always removing a third of the damage. Warning! When activating, you'd nerf the skill! Otherwise people with over 100 iq could prevent every incoming damage and even heal themselves or cause crashes! New questfuncions item.get_attr_type(int index)item.get_attr_value(int index)item.set_attr(int ApplyType, int ApplyValue[, int index])npc.get_level()game.mysql_real_escape_string(string query)game.mysql_query(string query)game.mysql_update_query(string query)pc.delayed_disconnect(int zeit)pc.get_mount_vnum()pc.set_level(int level)pc.send_effect(int id)pc.block_exp()pc.unblock_exp()item.equip() *New conf.txt options* TXT_STARTUP = 0/11 = enabled. Disabled by default. Enable to boot with txt-files instead of sql *New quest trigger* OnBuy (triggers on buying a item from players or npc's)OnDie (triggers on dying) *commands* /ban playername reason/unban playername full list of all allowed bonuses for skills: MAX_HPMAX_SPHP_REGENSP_REGENBLOCKHPSPATT_GRADEDEF_GRADEMAGIC_ATT_GRADEMAGIC_DEF_GRADEBOW_DISTANCEMOV_SPEEDATT_SPEEDPOISON_PCTRESIST_RANGECASTING_SPEEDREFLECT_MELEEATT_BONUSDEF_BONUSRESIST_NORMALDODGEKILL_HP_RECOVERKILL_SP_RECOVERHIT_HP_RECOVERHIT_SP_RECOVERCRITICALMANASHIELDSKILL_DAMAGE_BONUSNORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUSHTIQSTDXSTUN_PCTSLOW_PCTPENETRATE_PCTATTBONUS_HUMANSTEAL_HPSTEAL_SPMANA_BURN_PCTDAMAGE_SP_RECOVERRESIST_SWORDRESIST_TWOHANDRESIST_DAGGERRESIST_BELLRESIST_FANRESIST_BOWRESIST_FIRERESIST_ELECRESIST_MAGICRESIST_WINDREFLECT_CURSEPOISON_REDUCEEXP_DOUBLE_BONUSGOLD_DOUBLE_BONUSITEM_DROP_BONUSPOTION_BONUSIMMUNE_STUNIMMUNE_SLOWIMMUNE_FALLCURSE_PCTSTAATTBONUS_WARRIORATTBONUS_ASSASSINATTBONUS_SURAATTBONUS_SHAMANATTBONUS_MONSTERMAX_HP_PCTMAX_SP_PCTSKILL_DEFEND_BONUSNORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUSRESIST_WARRIORRESIST_ASSASSINRESIST_SURARESIST_SHAMANENERGYRESIST_CRITICALRESIST_PENETRATE