Xbox test server pubg => We expect approximately 15% increase in server performance. The purpose of the test server is not just to provide a preview of upcoming features, but to find the issues we need to solve so we can work on the fix as soon as possible. I like being immersed but give me a break. This has now been fixed When preparing to throw grenades, the projection visualization no longer inappropriately penetrates through objects Known issue: After long play sessions three or more hours on the standard Xbox One and the Xbox One S, the game sometimes crashes. It has 12 different options. Multiple times my entire party had at least 5 med kits and 3 painkillers per person from looting only. Use the to make note of your findings. Animation kick reduction has been changed to 20% from 30%. We expect approximately 15% increase in server performance. Fixed an issue where two players moving in a small space could sometimes get stuck. This helps with performance and crashes throughout the game. The map is 8x8km and set in dense, urban areas of central America. Controller guide has been updated to include the new controller preset. Below is the list of items that can you can get from the Western Military Crate Drop Rates. Item Spawn Balance The overall item spawn rate is at a midpoint between our maps — offering a unique place between the spawn rates of Erangel and Sahnok. It can hold 30 rounds per magazine, and can be extended to 40 rounds. Xbox Game Preview PTS Patch Notes - The testing period will occur on April 25 at 5 p. If playing in a team, you won't be able to spectate other players until all of your teammates are killed. Up to 100 players parachute onto an island and scavenge for weapons and equipment to kill others. The available safe area of the game's map reduces in size over time, focusing surviving players into tighter areas to force encounters. The last player or team standing wins the round. No discussion of exploits, cheating, hacks or piracy. No Selling, Buying, Asking or Trading. No trolling, personal attacks, harassment, bullying or witch hunts. Giveaways are allowed as long it doesn't break Rule 4. If you find a bug please report it in the on our Official Forums. I have created aplease read the post and use the reporting template as it allows us to easily collect the information we need to investigate the bug and fix it. Patch notes for the test server, as well as the server schedule, can be found Good luck and have fun. A screenshot of the location on the map would be most useful. If it occurs on a certain level of a building please try your best to share that with us Evidence: Video is preferred but screenshots are also very helpful. The amount of grips is ridiculous. Maybe one extra with different properties from the existing ones or something, but constantly reading over the details of all these things and remembering what they all do is over the top. I like being immersed but give me a break. I will never use a half grip ever. Grenade damage radius increase makes them actually useful, which is cool. The performance was great, I hope that for the next update everything is better. Had to quit back to the main menu for all party members and start again. Not hearing footsteps when someone was right behind you. I feel if more people tried it, more people would switch. Once Miramar is fully polished, I believe it will be highly beneficial for the xbox version of the game overall and bring in many new players. Please do the same for Erangel. I had to restart my game to get it to stop. Other than that no xbox test server pubg. Great work and I hope you listen to the feed back. The only fix was to quit back to the main xbox test server pubg for all party members and start again. I don't notice the traditional button color bubbles around the text either. Looting in doorways was problematic. The door would close instead of equipping the item from the deceased crate. Lots and lots and lots of health and scopes. Is that a different ratio for the open nature of the level. Multiple times my entire party had xbox test server pubg least 5 med kits and 3 painkillers per person from looting only. I regularly heard the sound of crawling while in there open fields and with nobody around to make the sounds. Also the 4 or 5 story blue buildings where it seemed like you could only access every other floor. I would rather they just halve the amount of floors to a building and make them all accessible or just remove an entire building and replace it with foliage or something if you're gonna make it completely inaccessible. Play-doh building was still renderingenter from 1st floor North-East entrance, run towards rooms that lead towards bar in first floor. The compass on top of the screen could be a different color so its easier to see during game play. Found a few piles of pistols, 3 pistols and like 8 boxes of ammo. Lastly, when parachuting down, sometimes takes extra time to land, seems to freeze up 10 feet from the ground, just hangs there. Overall, love the game, frustrating at times during gun battles but then what online game isn't. This happened after playing a round. Evidence: Didn't get a screen shot or video Replication: Issue did not replicate with parties formed with xbox friends. This happened to me twice and once to my squadmate. Luckily on one of the boots my squad was able to hang with me while I entered back into the game. My squad mate wasnt to lucky as his avatar kept running towards the blue for some reason all the while sliding around rocks. Please lessen the damage vehicles take while riding over terrain. I was riding in a buggy when the ground beneath me suddenly dropped off by about 3 ft and the buggy just blew up killing me. Also, the rendering worse then Engrel. I might as well hang in the air longer to allow roofs, furniture, weapons to render in. Thanks for the still fun experience. The game crashed only 4 times over the coarse of the week but a great experience overall. Please release soon : Impressed by the vast desert landscape and insane gun battles in the hot zones. I did find one strange bug though: Bug: blocked staircase but no visuals rendered in. Location: El Azahar, three story building with a balcony near the street in the center screen shot of building did not upload to my dvr Evidence: Did not get back to the building to replicate a second time. I also encountered the issue, which also happens to have an invisible barrier keeping you from dropping from the roof to that balcony near the wall. The only way to get on that roof is to land there, look, then drop to the balcony and go inside.