Bsc food science and nutrition => One module in each year of your study involves a compulsory one-week block delivery period. Food materials can be raw, or in the form of manufactured food products. To support you with your studies we have extensive computer clusters and virtually universal wireless connectivity. Improve your English If you're an international student and you don't meet the English language requirements for this programme, you may be able to study our , to help improve your English language level. If you are not eligible for Year 1 entry, we also offer this course with an integrated foundation year. You will gain insights in Good Laboratory Practice and Health and Safety pertinent to analytical laboratories, as well as the importance of Quality Assurance schemes employed in laboratories. You take a wider perspective by looking at broader populations. You do a series of relevant practical investigative projects in Year 2 to enhance your practical knowledge and skills. Students may also develop nutrition promotion literature, website editing, and nutrition articles related to consumer education regarding new food products, nutritional supplements, or nutrition consulting services. A year spent in the University's School of Computer Science will give you training in software development and computing skills relevant to your final year research project and benefit you in your future career. You will learn about the principles of dietetics, dietary management and control in the clinical environment. Food Nutrition Course - Find out more on the. Within the Food, Nutrition and Health program, you can choose your major to align with your interests and professional goals. Earn a professional designation, build a foundation for medical or graduate studies, or prepare for a career in global food markets — bsc food science and nutrition of it is possible in Food, Nutrition and Health. His early work was on farm credit and agricultural insurance markets and commodity futures markets. Following this James worked on various models of industrial organization with a focus on contracting with asymmetric information. Recent work has focused on agri-environmental contracts. Vivien Measday Associate Professor, Wine Research Centre My current research is the study of chromosome segregation in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae S. I am interested in understanding how chromosomes attach to spindle microtubules and segregate equally in mitosis. Siyun Wang Associate Professor, Food Safety Engineering I am interested in the virulence factors, stress response, and pathogenesis of microorganisms that post major threats to food safety and public health. I use molecular biology and genomic approaches to develop novel, rapid and reliable detection methods for foodborne pathogens. Xiaonan Lu Associate Professor, Food Science I work on developing innovative and rapid sensing, instrumentation systems and detection methods for ensuring food safety as well as preventing food bioterrorism and fraud. We also apply molecular biology and genomic approaches to investigate stress response and pathogenesis of microorganisms that post threats to agri-food system Dr. Frederik Noack Assistant Professor, Food and Resource Economics Group I am interested in the impacts of improved market access and property rights on land use and natural resources such as fish stocks, forests and biodiversity. I use mathematical models to guide my empirical analysis and to derive testable predictions. I often collaborate with environmental scientists to better understand and quantify the environmental changes and drivers. Anubhav Pratap Singh Assistant Professor, Food Processing My current research focuses on examining the impact of novel food processing technologies on food safety and quality. I am also developing novel extraction technologies for in-situ extraction bsc food science and nutrition decontamination of bioactives, functional ingredients and nutraceuticals from plant components. Barbara Stefanska Assistant Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health My research aims to understand how diet can impact health outcomes through epigenetic modifications, as well as how the epigenome can serve as a readout of dietary exposures. I investigate the link between bioactive food components, epigenetic alterations and carcinogenesis. I hope to discover strategies to prevent and manage chronic diseases. Yvonne Lamers Associate Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health I am interested in the physiology and biochemistry of nutrition-related diseases and in targeted and population-based prevention strategies of chronic diseases. My research specifically focuses on B-vitamins and their kinetics and functions in human metabolism. Crystal Karakochuk Assistant Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health My broad research interests include: maternal and child health, micronutrients, and global health. I am specifically interested in hemoglobin, iron and zinc biomarkers, the effect of inflammation on nutrition biomarkers, and genetic hemoglobinopathies and blood disorders e. Sumeet Gulati Professor Alongwith my co-authors I ask: at their modest values, do carbon taxes reduce gasoline consumption. Do they bsc food science and nutrition people to buy fuel efficient vehicles. Do older consumers, especially women, perform better or worse while negotiating a price for a new car. What are the economics of car sharing—like Car2Go, and Evo. And what explains the autonomous emergence of electric rickshaws in India. John Frostad Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering My group develops and employs new experimental techniques for quantifying the effects of interfacial phenomena in multiphase liquids including foams and emulsions. One target of this research is improving formulation of food products and developing new functional foods. I am interested in how attitudes and behaviours related to eating, cooking, food selection, body image and body weight status are shaped by socio-cultural and neighbourhood-level factors. Zhaoming Xu Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Nutrition plays a pivotal role in health promotion and disease prevention. My overall research interest is to understand how nutrients act at the cellular and molecular levels with an emphasis on nutrient-gene interactions and their subsequent impact on metabolic functions.