It’s hard to ignore the headlines about child obesity – but it can feel even harder to know what to do about it. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned we’re facing a “global obesity epidemic” after a study found that there’s been a tenfold increase in the number of obese and overweight children and teens over the last 40 years. This means our children are facing a greater risk of developing future health problems such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as well as issues including back and joint pain. While it’s easy to spout off scary statistics and health warnings, it’s not so easy knowing how to approach these things as a parent – especially when there’s so much conflicting advice around. We’ve asked some trusted experts to clear things up… I’m so confused about BMI charts – are they accurate or not? Yes and no. “BMI charts are the standard way of checking for a healthy weight as they give you a ratio of the best weight for your height,” says NHS weight-loss consultant surgeon Dr Sally Norton ( “However, it’s not completely accurate in adults as it’s not a measure of fat, and very muscular people are heavier. It’s even less accurate in kids as they grow at different rates.” She adds: “Make sure you use a specific BMI chart for children but, even so, just take it as a guide. The best way to tell if your child is overweight is by looking at them. For example, do they have a roll of fat around the midriff? “Babies and toddlers are a different matter, of course. And kids sometimes grow out a bit before they shoot up – so a bit of padding shouldn’t be a cause for immediate alarm, especially if you and your family are active and eat well. “But if you have weight issues yourself, you should be a little more concerned, as children of overweight parents have an 80% chance of being overweight themselves. So now could be a good time to overhaul your own diet and exercise, along with the family’s.” There’s a lot of focus on child obesity health risks – is it really that serious? The figures for UK kids are worrying. “For the first time, in England, the number of children leaving primary school overweight or obese has hit 200,000,” says Professor Linda Bauld, Cancer Research UK’s expert on cancer prevention. “Right now, in a class of 30, the odds are that seven children will be overweight or obese when they start school. “By the time they leave for secondary school, 10 of them will be in this category. As a parent, it’s difficult to make sure your child is eating well and exercising. But an obese child is five times more likely to stay obese into adulthood. “If you’re an obese adult, you’re more at risk of having serious health conditions, including cancer.” We’re not a sporty family – how can we keep active? Terry Austin, the senior physiologist at Nuffield Health (, says: “Children should be participating in at least 60 minutes of activity per day, but that doesn’t just mean sports. It is really important physical activity is seen as something fun for the whole family, and that parents are role models. “Look into local park runs, which are free and organised up and down the country. You could even enter a charity event, such as Race for Life or Sports Relief 5km. “Volunteer to help neighbours or friends with their garden or car washing, and pledge to buy ‘active’ Christmas presents for each other, such as exercise clothing, skipping ropes, a tennis racquet or Frisbee. “Set two-hour limits for technology, including phones, iPads and TV, to encourage you all to be active.” My child’s too self-conscious to do PE – how can we help? Talking to your children about issues that worry them can be difficult but there are ways. “Childhood can be a very sensitive period,” says Austin. “Make time to listen to how they feel. Time to Change ( and Young Minds ( have good tips on how to have helpful conversations with children if they’re struggling. “Remind them all children are different shapes and sizes, and they have nothing to be embarrassed about. Talk to their PE teacher too to make them more aware, and ask about extra-curricular activities to promote confidence away from school. “Can your child go swimming with a friend or with you? They need to learn positive emotions associated with the activities – to highlight the fun aspects, rather than it being something they ‘have’ to do. If they really don’t enjoy swimming, encourage them to try something else instead.” How can I talk to my children about weight, food and overeating without damaging their self-esteem? The prospect of talking to your child about weight can be terrifying, but it’s important. “Think about the language you use – terms like ‘fat’, ‘obese’ and ‘diet’ can be much more damaging than we realise,” says Alexia Dempsey, specialist eating disorder dietician at the Priory Hospital in Roehampton. “Talk about ‘kindness’ and ‘compassion’ rather than ‘weight’ and ‘shape’ as the most important values. “If your child believes weight and shape dictate their identity, these will be the values they think are most important. “Talk about social media too – there is a lot of pressure on young people to be part of it. This might not always be a positive experience – cyber-bullying, trolling and pro-anorexia sites are common – and there are lots of so-called ‘experts’ pushing their lifestyle choices on these platforms, along with airbrushed images. “Make sure you seek professional advice if you are worried about your child’s eating. With obesity on the rise, it’s important to feel you can ask for help and not be judged.” My child won’t eat healthy food – what am I meant to do? Persistence and starting early are key. “Getting children into good habits when they’re young will bring lifelong benefits, but mealtimes can be challenging,” says nutritionist Katherine Hale, Prevention Programme Manager for the National Charity Partnership. “There’s nothing like leading by example. If a child sees you eating all the food on your plate, they’re much more likely to do the same. It’s a good idea to eat together, which also makes meals more sociable and fun. “Go little by little. A big plate filled with food can be overwhelming, so try offering smaller amounts and let them have more if they’re still hungry. “Letting children make choices about what they eat will mean they enjoy it more too. “Of course, it’s important to make the choice a healthy one – for example, by offering an apple or banana, not an apple or biscuit. “It’s best not to let meals drag on for more than 20-30 minutes. That should be enough to know if they’re going to eat. If they haven’t, clear the plate without fuss.” My GP said my child needs to lose weight – but how do we cut down and still ensure they get enough nutrients? Weight loss shouldn’t be at the cost of nutrients, says Hale. “Your child is still growing and developing, so they will need a well-balanced diet to get all the nutrients they need. Unlike adults, it may be that they can grow into their weight rather than need to lose it, so achieving an energy balance rather than an energy deficit may be enough. “Start by making sure there’s a regular pattern of balanced meals, including plenty of fruit and vegetables, wholegrain starchy carbohydrates and protein foods like beans, fish, lean meat or eggs. To begin with, rather than cut down on everything, try just limiting the extras that are nice but not necessary – sweets, chocolates, sugary drinks. “Focus on the foods you want them to eat, rather than the ones they’re going to be eating less of. Ask your GP if there’s support available locally or within the practice. There may be community groups or other health professionals that can help. You are not alone!” How many treats can I give my kids? It depends on their age. “Regularly consuming high-sugar food and drinks increases your risk of long-term health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as well as tooth decay,” says Hale. “Added sugars shouldn’t make up more than 5% of daily calorie intake. This amounts to no more than 19g a day for four to six-year-olds; 24g a day for seven to 10-year-olds; and 30g a day for 11-year-olds and older. “Given that a tablespoon of ketchup contains around one teaspoon of sugar, a chocolate biscuit up to two, and a small serving of baked beans almost three – you can see how quickly it tots up. Our advice would be to limit the number of treats you give children to as few as possible. “Try making fruit the snack of choice, and when you do give them chocolate, have just a bit rather than a whole bar; have natural yoghurt with nuts or chopped fruit for puddings; drink water rather than fizzy drinks, juice or sugary squash; opt for plain breakfast cereals, such as porridge oats. “Also, keep an eye on reduced-fat foods – may actually contain more sugar to compensate for the altered taste and texture. Always look at the ingredients list on the packaging.”