Skyrim vr steam => This mod drastically increases the variety of armors found in Skyrim, but it does so without breaking the lore or changing the visual style of the base game. They also added things like the thieves guild and the assassins brotherhood. Lets hope some other retailers end up selling it for less, cdkeys we need you. Move controllers work without all the hassle and you have to go through far less tweaking to get a workable game. People buy specific hardware because they already have the supporting base devices. People thinking a corporation offers value without protecting said offer are just children or fans. There's a lot of popping in when you're roaming the countryside, and there are plenty of artifacts floating around where they shouldn't be. Skyrim however is right up there on the most wanted list. They also said they are hoping to bring smooth movement to the Move Controllers but in their current iteration we aren't sure how they can. People thinking a corporation offers value without protecting said offer are just children or fans. Better weather effects revamps the whole color scheme of the game and provides an increased level of immersion while trekking from Whiterun to the College Of Winterhold. Normal walking and running are simulated rather than going with a teleportation method. This might help with setting up. This will significantly change the overall experience, with the ability to track objects and see the game from a truly first person perspective will be epic. The reality of how this plays out remains to be seen for a few more months, however. But as many players have discovered, Nexus Mods is full of juicy goodness -- and many will load to varying levels of success as long as the mod in question doesn't rely on the Skyrim Script Extender which sadly means most of the nudie mods aren't functional yet. This mod adds a ton of great, immersive audio to the game that felt missing before. The strong points are the story and to some extent the combat. Everything we know so far about Skyrim VR - I mean you can still shout Fus-Ro-Dah at the top of your lungs but it won't actually effect the game. Likewise, with a Rift you're looking at setting up a few sensors just right and working through a few other software setup steps. Take everything you know about Skyrim and imagine yourself instead of holding a controller or hovering over a keyboard. It's a familiar game with a whole new twist, and we're answering all of your questions about this new experience right here. This will significantly change the overall experience, with the ability to track objects and see the game from a skyrim vr steam first person perspective will be epic. There isn't any new content announced as of yet though, so it's basically the same game. That's a whole lot of content. Skyrim vr steam has announced that full locomotion is possible with the Dual Shock 4. Normal walking and running are simulated rather than going with a teleportation method. However, a playable demo version only allowed movement via teleportation. A member of the Demo team did explain that if you are using the Move controllers then teleportation, actually more like a fast sprint, was your movement method, but smooth movement is available on the Dual Shock 4. They also said they are hoping to bring smooth movement to the Move Controllers but in their current iteration we aren't sure how they can. Will I be able to shout out loud. As of right now the answer is, a very sad and depressed, no. Bethesda are working on a way to have voice activated shouts but it won't be there at release. I mean you can still shout Fus-Ro-Dah at the top of your lungs but it won't actually effect the game. When using the Move controllers, an ability can be assigned to each hand using a Favorites menu, and the demo version of the game confirms that you will still be able to mix combo attacks, such as ice and fire. Whether or not true 1:1 tracking will be implemented with the Move controllers is unknown and we will have to wait for a confirmation from Bethesda. If swinging your arm in real life only moves your sword or shield on a set path in the game, there's no doubt many people will be let down. However, one positive indicator is that head tracking in the demo version seemed very robust, and allowed players to dodge attacks and duck around corners.