_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _____ _ _ | | | | | | (_) | | | ___ (_| | (_) | __ \ (_) | | | | | | | |_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ ___ | |_/ /_| |_ ___ ___ _ _ __ | | \/_ _ _ __| | ___ | | | | | __| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | __/ _ \ | ___ | | __/ __/ _ \| | '_ \ | | __| | | | |/ _` |/ _ \ | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | (_| | || __/ | |_/ | | || (_| (_) | | | | | | |_\ | |_| | | (_| | __/ \___/|_|\__|_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__\___| \____/|_|\__\___\___/|_|_| |_| \____/\__,_|_|\__,_|\___| 2.0 Step 1. Acquire a wallet: http://cur.lv/116it site that allows you to choose wallet based on needs Step 2. Acquire free bitcoins. Your wallet will give you an address to receive free bitcoins, it will resemble, starting with a 1 always, something along the lines of 1GqdaF8mz5QWWEQmvnG3wjmeh9e4XqPtcN. Free Bitcoin List [These sites will give you free bitcoins to start your bankroll with]: insert address here for easy access: (1GqdaF8mz5QWWEQmvnG3wjmeh9e4XqPtcN---example address) 1--http://cur.lv/116ix few ads low pay 2--http://cur.lv/116j1 few ads decent pay 3--http://cur.lv/116jk only chat now few ads low pay 4--http://cur.lv/116la 5--http://cur.lv/116ky unsure of payouts 6--http://cur.lv/116l2 many sites every 30min low pay only captcha 7--http://cur.lv/116kn daily low pay captcha lotto? 8--http://cur.lv/116kl daily low pay captcha 9--http://cur.lv/116kg many sites low pay 10-http://cur.lv/116lk good site with good payout 11-http://cur.lv/116k3 daily low pay captcha 12-http://cur.lv/116jz daily low pay captcha 13-http://cur.lv/116jx lots of ads and surveys good payout 14-http://cur.lv/116jt lots of ads decent payout 15-http://cur.lv/116jo few ads good payout Random sites that are may be of use 1-where some sites send BTC http://cur.lv/116m1 2-bitcoin converter converts price of bitcoins to currency http://cur.lv/116m2 3-current BTC price and most used exchange http://cur.lv/116m3 4-url shortener usefull to shrink urls https://coinurl.com/index.php?ref=hermi 5-bitcoin gambling with no house edge http://cur.lv/116n5 6-site where you can buy gift cards with bitcoins http://cur.lv/116ni 7-reddit link for bitcoin communities http://cur.lv/116p3 Step 3. Donate------1GqdaF8mz5QWWEQmvnG3wjmeh9e4XqPtcN What the fuck are bitcoins? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um63OQz3bjo