How to install: Please note that the configuration files for DarkRP are located in darkrp/gamemode/config folder. 1) Open your addentities.lua and place the following code into the bottom of the file; DarkRP.createEntity("Topaz Printer", { ent = "topaz_money_printer", model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", price = 1000, max = 2, cmd = "buytopazprinter" }) DarkRP.createEntity("Amethyst Printer", { ent = "amethyst_money_printer", model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", price = 1500, max = 2, cmd = "buyamethystprinter" }) DarkRP.createEntity("Emerald Printer", { ent = "emerald_money_printer", model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", price = 2500, max = 2, cmd = "buyemeraldprinter" }) DarkRP.createEntity("Ruby Printer", { ent = "ruby_money_printer", model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", price = 5000, max = 2, cmd = "buyrubyprinter" }) DarkRP.createEntity("Sapphire Printer", { ent = "sapphire_money_printer", model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", price = 7500, max = 2, cmd = "buysapphireprinter" }) 2) Open your config.lua and place the following code into the bottom of the file; GM.Config.topazprintamount = 10 GM.Config.amethystprintamount = 15 GM.Config.emeraldprintamount = 25 GM.Config.rubyprintamount = 50 GM.Config.sapphireprintamount = 75