Materials and infrastructure services Agricultural and environmental analysis Environmental services Biological, food and medical science services Australian Animal Health Laboratory services Our services in biological sciences ranges from protein crystallography to providing tree seeds and algae cultures. Our Food Innovation Centre provides expertise, technologies and support for food processing. Our facilities available to the food industry CSIRO's food innovation centre for industry CSIRO’s food innovation centre is the most extensive food innovation provider to industry in Australia. Collaborative Crystallisation Centre (C3) The Collaborative Crystallisation Centre (C3) at CSIRO is Australia’s only full-service crystallisation centre. We offer nano-volume crystal screens and protein expression. Recombinant Protein Production and Purification Facility The Recombinant Protein Production Facility provides Australian researchers subsidised access to state-of-the-art facilities for protein production, process development and optimisation. It is part of the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy program. Australian National Algae Supply Service Australian National Algae Culture Collection We provide high quality microalgae 'starter' cultures and complementary technical advice to industry, the research sector and educational institutions. Purchasing tree seed Australian Tree Seed Centre For over 50 years the Australian Tree Seed Centre has been collecting, researching and supplying quality, fully documented tree seed to both domestic and overseas customers.