Hi friends I would like to share a good site to make money without doing anything just have to surf ads and let the points accumulate, for me is one of the best autosurf that exist in the network, the minimum payment is 2 € per paypal or by bank transfer and e cashed 3 times the last payment was yesterday, what I like about this is that it has autosurf software called restarted know many autosurf browser freeze pc even though this software makes when it freezes the browser force to close it and restart it again autosurf activated again, the good thing is that you can you can leave on while you sleep the autosurf and allow to stand overnight earning points is great, also has paid mail messages you earn points help a lot to reach the minimum payment can also add your reference links and promote your site, the site is German but has Spanish and English language well will understand better the multiple functions that have this wonderful site earnings BTP 100,000 = € 2,100 (BTP are the points awarded for surfing) MTP 100,000 = € 84,010 (MTP are the points obtained by reading messages) will think it costs a lot to get to the minimum payment but it is not when you begin to receive messages you will see how the balance paid up faster than you gain your balance is updated in real time I have to say that I and managed to win € 0.15 per day with as 1 referred only without leave plus 24H on the Autosur payments are received in 2 days after request, EasyHits4U is well known and you pay $ 0.30 for every 1000 sites visited and their minimum is $ 3 plus you have to click the captchas in each ad on this page does not have to do anything active so you minimize the browser window and forget about it and the dinnero alone earns you, hope you like it and tengais good profit if you have any questions ask me I will be pending for help