Easiest and Hardest Overwatch Heroes to Master ( from FP's Overwatch Strategy Guide: http://bit.ly/2aFIht8 ) One of the hottest topics I hear throughout the Overwatch community is which heroes are the hardest to master, and which heroes are the easiest to master. I was curious myself to see all the Overwatch heroes ranked from easiest to hardest, so I have decided to make this list here. This list also shows you which heroes are best for beginners (top of the list) and which ones are best for experts (bottom of list). Keep in mind this list is my rough estimate. Overwatch is still a young game and this list is subject to change in the future once we start realizing the full potential of every hero. If you think a hero deserves to be higher or lower on the list then please comment down below. Check it out.. []._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[] [01] Genji > http://bit.ly/2bgjTR3 [02] Hanzo > http://bit.ly/2aWnqSt [03] Junkrat > http://bit.ly/2bsGjPK [04] Mei > http://bit.ly/2b4tDxo [05] Tracer > http://bit.ly/2aUwWcG [06] Ana > http://bit.ly/2aWnZLV [07] Zarya > http://bit.ly/2aT4B0x [08] McCree > http://bit.ly/2bi5els [09] D.va > http://bit.ly/2aUx8sL [10] Zenyatta > http://bit.ly/2aT4vGa [11] Lucio > http://bit.ly/2bgueOf [12] Pharah > http://bit.ly/2brsjCJ [13] Widowmaker > http://bit.ly/2b4v1Qs [14] Roadhog > http://bit.ly/2b9mzMW [15] Symmetra > http://bit.ly/2aMqP9k [16] Soldier 76 > http://bit.ly/2b9nSeM [17] Mercy > http://bit.ly/2aUxEGY [18] Reinhardt > http://bit.ly/2bvJ1F2 [19] Bastion > http://bit.ly/2b7OjUy [20] Torbjorn > http://bit.ly/2br3wzI [21] Reaper > http://bit.ly/2aWoEgk [22] Winston > http://bit.ly/2bsFxSG []._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]