Smiles emoticons :) :) :):‑) :) :D :o) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^) :っ) Smiley or happy face.[4][5][6] :‑D 8‑D 8D x‑D xD X‑D XD =‑D =D =‑3 =3 B^D Laughing,[4] big grin,[5][6] laugh with glasses[7] :-)) Very happy or double chin[7] >:[ :‑( :( :‑c :c :‑< :っC :< :‑[ :[ :{ Frown,[4][5][6] sad[8] ;( Winky frowny, used to signify sadness, with a bit of sarcasm. It is easily misunderstood.[9] :-|| :@ >:( Angry[7] :'‑( :'( Crying[8] :'‑) :') Tears of happiness[8] D:< D: D8 D; D= DX v.v D‑': Horror, disgust, sadness, great dismay[5][6] >:O :‑O :O :‑o :o 8‑0 O_O o‑o O_o o_O o_o O-O Surprise,[3] shock,[4][10] yawn[11] :* :-* :^* ( '}{' ) Kiss, couple kissing[7] ;‑) ;) *-) *) ;‑] ;] ;D ;^) :‑, Wink,[4][5][6] smirk[10][11] >:P :‑P :P X‑P x‑p xp XP :‑p :p =p :‑Þ :Þ :þ :‑þ :‑b :b d: Tongue sticking out, cheeky/playful,[4] blowing a raspberry >:\ >:/ :‑/ :‑. :/ :\ =/ =\ :L =L :S >.< Skeptical, annoyed, undecided, uneasy, hesitant[4] :| :‑| Straight face[5] no expression, indecision[8] :$ Embarrassed,[6] blushing[7] :‑X :X :‑# :# Sealed lips or wearing braces[4] O:‑) 0:‑3 0:3 0:‑) 0:) 0;^) Angel,[4][5][10] saint,[8] innocent >:) >;) >:‑) Evil[5] }:‑) }:) 3:‑) 3:) Devilish[8] o/\o ^5 >_>^ ^<_< High five[11] |;‑) |‑O Cool,[8] bored/yawning[10] :‑J Tongue-in-cheek[12] :‑& :& Tongue-tied[8] #‑) Partied all night[8] %‑) %) Drunk,[8] confused :‑###.. :###.. Being sick[8] <:‑| Dumb, dunce-like[10] ಠ_ಠ Look of disapproval[13] The Unicode character ಠ is from the Kannada alphabet and can be called differently in HTML notation: ಠ and ಠ (for Unicode) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡°͜ ͡°) Lenny Face,[14] usually used in accompaniment to a joke <*)))‑{ ><(((*> ><> Fish, something's fishy,[10] Christian fish[7] \o/ Cheer "Yay, yay."[7] *\0/* Cheerleader[7] @}‑;‑'‑‑‑ @>‑‑>‑‑ Rose[4][10] ~(_8^(I) Homer Simpson[10] 5:‑) ~:‑\ Elvis Presley[10][11] //0‑0\\ John Lennon[10] *<|:‑) Santa Claus[15] =:o] Bill Clinton[15] ,:‑) 7:^] Ronald Reagan[15] <3