#include #include using namespace std; int main() { for (int execution = 1; execution <= 2; execution++) { double beginningRead, endingRead, reqGallons, avgMPG, price1, price2, price3, avgPPG, OneMileTrip; char answer = 'y'; double totalMiles = 0, gallonsPurchased = 0; int count = 0; while (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y') { first: cout << "Enter the beginning odomerter reading: "; cin >> beginningRead; if (count != 0 && beginningRead <= endingRead) { cout << "Your beginning odometer reading must be greater than the prior ending odometer reading.\n"; goto first; } count++, cout << "Enter the ending odometer reading: "; cin >> endingRead; if (endingRead < beginningRead) { cout << "The ending odometer reading must be greater than the beginning odometer reading.\n"; goto first; } second: cout << "Enter the gallons required for your full-up: "; cin >> reqGallons; if (reqGallons <= 0) { cout << "The required amount of gallons must be greater than 0.\n"; goto second; } totalMiles += (endingRead - beginningRead); gallonsPurchased += reqGallons; cout << "Enter y to enter more readings or n to continue: "; cin >> answer; } cout << "\n"; avgMPG = totalMiles/gallonsPurchased; for ( int station = 1; station <= 3; station++) { cout << "Enter the price per gallon at station #" << station << ": $"; if (station == 1) { cin >> price1; } if (station == 2) { cin >> price2; } if (station == 3) { cin >> price3; } } avgPPG = (price1 + price2 + price3) / 3; OneMileTrip = avgPPG / avgMPG; cout << "\nYour car's average mile per gallon is: " << avgMPG << " mpg" << endl; cout << "You bought gas at an average $" << setprecision(2) << fixed << avgPPG << " per gallon\n"; cout << "The cost for your car to go 1 mile is $" << setprecision(2) << fixed << OneMileTrip << endl; if (avgMPG > 0 && avgMPG <= 15) { cout << "Your car is very inefficient.\n\n\n"; } if (avgMPG >= 16 && avgMPG <= 30) { cout << "Your car's efficiency is OK.\n\n\n"; } if (avgMPG >= 31) { cout << "Your car is very efficient.\n\n\n"; } } system ("pause"); return 0; }