Here you can find 15 businesses that you can start fast. These businesses are profitable and they are in high demand. You could expect to receive good profits from most of them. The drawback is that there is too much competition for the majority of these businesses. Anyway, I will briefly describe them here and show you how you can also claim a piece of the profits from the online business world. 1. Sell information. People are starving for information nowadays. Information could be anything that communicates a message. Art is a kind of information, images, files, software, games, books and e-books are information too. You can create your own products or have other people do it for you. Either way, you will have to invest some time and money. If you want to have the products created for you, then you can outsource the projects to others even to people in other countries. This is a good technique that a lot of companies are using today. Selling information is very profitable because the costs of reproducing the products you sell are next to nothing. Once you create the first product you can create as many copies as you need virtually at no cost. The time required to distribute the products to your clients is next to zero too. Finally the shipping costs often disappear on the Online business world. This is definitely a profitable business. 2. Become an affiliate. If you dont want to create anything you can sell what others create. Your only duty will be to advertise. Advertising is not easy, specially in such a competitive arena that is affiliate marketing. On the other hand, if you have the patience and discipline to learn how the super affiliates make it, then it can be really worthy the time spent on this venture. Some top affiliates make tens of thousands per month from this business alone. There are just so many companies out there that want you to promote their products. This is one of the reasons why some new affiliates get lost. How can you know which companies are trustworthy and which ones are not? Simple. Stay with the companies that pay you high commissions like 50% to 75% per sale and which conversion ratios are fairly high. For example, if a company pays you 65% commission to sell their product and for every 100 people that see the product 2 – 3 purchase it, then you may consider promoting the product. Also expect to receive at least $20 per sale. I wouldnt advertise a product if I can not get at least $20 for every sale. Do the math. Lets say that you get paid $25 per sale. Your advertising costs are $5 per 100 people. If on average 2 out of 100 purchase the product, then you will get a huge return on investment. Of course these are hypothetical figures. The real world is a little bit different. To find these products may not be that easy. But thats the basic idea of how starting an affiliate business works.