anded me." G.C. 613. 25 • Rev. 22:11. Christ then makes the following solemn announcement: "He that is unjust; let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still." • G.C. 622. • Isa. 4:3, margin. The saved are "written to life." G.C. 480, 481. • Dan. 12:1; Rev. 3:5. Their names are in the book of life. • Dan. 12:1; 11:20, 21. The term "stand up," indicates that Michael (Christ) at this time ceases to be high priest, and takes His kingdom and is called "King of kings" from that time forward. • 1 Tim. 2:5. Christ is the only mediator between God and man; and when he ceases to be priest there is no one to plead for guilty man. E.W. 280. • Rev. 14:8-10. When there is no mediator in the heavens, there is nothing to prevent the wrath of God from being poured out upon the wicked. • Isa. 59:16-18; Lev. 16:23. Christ puts on the garments of vengeance. • Rev. 15:1. The work of pouring out the unmixed wrath of God upon the earth is assigned to seven angels, and is called the seven last plagues. • Rev. 15:8; 1 Tim. 2:5. "The man Christ Jesus" can not enter the temple while the seven last plagues are being poured out upon the earth. • Ex. 8:20-23, margin. The Lord sent ten plagues upon Egypt; the first three plagues fell upon the Israelites as well as upon the Egyptians, but none of the seven last plagues of Egypt 26 fell upon the children of Israel. Ex. 8:22; 9:4-7, 26; 10:23; G.C. 627, 628. • Ps. 91:1-10. Likewise, when the psalmist foretold the effect of the seven last plagues, he said no plague would come nigh the dwelling of the righteous. G.C. 630. Seven Last Plagues • Rev. 16:1. The seven angels pour out the vials of God's wrath upon the earth. G.C. 628, 629. • Rev. 16:2. The first plague is a "noisome and grievous sore." • Rev. 16:3. The second plague causes the sea to become "as the blood of a dead man." • Rev. 16:4. The third plague causes the rivers and fountains of water to become blood. • Rev. 16:5, 6. After the plagues have affected all the water upon the earth, the angel of the waters declares it to be a righteous judgment. • Rev. 16:7. An angel from heaven responds. • Rev. 16:8. The fourth plague will cause the sun to "scorch men with fire." • Rev. 16:9. These plagues will cause men to blaspheme God; naturally they accuse God's people, who are sheltered from the plagues as being responsible for the plagues. • Rev. 16:10. The fifth plague is darkness that fills all the kingdom of the beast. C.O.L. 420. • Rev. 16:11. The wicked are still suffering because of the sores that come under the first plague, and the