There have been certain games that have been trending and fell. One game that increased over this summer has been splitgate. Splitgate rose in popularity really quickly, and overtook warzone's place for some time. Warzone died down, along with splitgate. No real changes have been made, and has been quiet for a bit now. Apex has grown again, as many popular streamers are going back to revisit it for the competitive ranking system and tournaments/rewards. Fortnite has spiked in popularity again, seeing it a new season yesterday. It will spike for about a month following trend, and then die down if nothing major has happened again. Call of Duty Vanguard is coming soon, and it will be on the high trending list for quite a bit! Vanguard will replace warzone for a bit, until they realize vanguard is call of duty WWII in disguise. Vanguard will keep its clout for a while until it's released to the public, and then boom, it dies down. The games that are going to stay on the rise as battle royale is apex and fortnite. Valorant is getting a bit of changes and updates in the future, stay tuned in to that. Those are the games that are most popping, and maybe you should adjust to the trend.