Opioids are drugs that act on the nervous system to relieve pain. Continued use and abuse can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms. They come in tablets, capsules or liquid. Some of the well-known brand and street names: BRAND NAMES Fiorional with Codeine Robitussin A-C Tylenol with Codeine Empirin with Codeine Roxanol Duramorph Demerol STREET NAMES Captain Cody Cody Schoolboy Doors & Fours Pancakes & Syrup Loads M Miss Emma Monkey White Stuff Demmies Pain killer BRAND NAMES Actiq Duragesic Sublimaze OxyContin Percodan Percocet Tylox Dilaudid STREET NAMES Apache China girl Dance fever Goodfella Murder 8 Tango and Cash China white Friend Jackpot TNT Oxy 80 Oxycat Hillbilly heroin Percs Perks Juice Dillies