BitCion has moved upwards of $ 4,000 and a firm has been promoted to up to $ 4,100 in press time. logo-bitcoin-alternate.png The past-American trade has increased Wednesday by a $ 4,000 decrease, which has been tiring at this level since last few days. Business data from Bitcoin represents a bitcoin trade at $ 3,900 starting early in the day. The price has increased by $ 595, which was 06:00 as the UTC, because of an important increase, prices increased. At 10:00 UTC, the cost of bitcoin was $ 3,962 to $ 4,080, which was 3% of the 30-minute commercial period. Now it has reached $ 4000, speed increases due to the speed of the trade for the new 7-day high-level registration of $ 4,112 on the built-in BitStamp.