nth-day Adventists; but an Adventist is not necessarily a time-setter. From the fulfillment of prophecy, and the signs of the times, we believe in the soon advent of our Lord; but we are not time-setters; we do not hold to any future, definite time. The great Second Advent movement brought us to the time of waiting for the advent of Christ, which is the especial watching, praying time, in view of the nearness of that event. Probably no text of Scripture as fully expresses our real position as the words of our Lord: "Take ye heed, watch and pray; for ye know not when the time is." Mark 13:33. We hold that the Adventists were correct on three fundamental points out of four. 1. They were correct as to the premillennial second appearing of Christ. No doctrine is more plainly stated, and more fully sustained by direct Bible testimony, 14 than the personal appearing and reign of Christ. And, whatever may be said of the Adventists, this fact will not be denied, that hundreds of ministers who believed the coming and reign of Christ to be spiritual, have given up their mystical interpretation of the Scriptures, and have adopted the literal; consequently they are Adventists. Among these are revivalist Moody, and Mr. Patterson, author of "Fables of Infidelity, and Facts of Faith." 2. The Adventists were correct in their applic