eBay System: How To Make $1000+ Per Day. When I first started attempting to make a living online, the most important thing to make as much money as possible, and I wouldn’t let anything stand in my way. My first solution was eBay. As most of you know, I have since moved on to bigger things, making much more money (Check my other eBooks). But I still use this method to get some quick cash for a vacation or whatever. Check out my other methods here: http://pwoah7foa6au2pul.onion/search.php?s_userid=topofthemorning I wanted a way to make a killing on eBay where: 1) I would not have to physically ship anything. 2) Had EXTREMELY HIGH demand. 3) Had a RIDICULOUS markup (Think 1500%). After spending MONTHS on eBay studying profiles of Power sellers, checking feedback, creating spreadsheets and crunching numbers, I found the perfect product to make a killing. I created a very successful, incredibly high income for myself and my kids. Of course, whenever you find a loophole that makes INCREDIBLE profit, eBay comes to close it . My account got banned, but I would not let this stop me. I created a system from the ground up to buy stealth accounts, sell products and extract money for as long as possible and burn the accounts. This has worked for me for the last 5 years. After all, the best secrets of how to make a living on eBay are secret right? Not today, my friends. Not today! Here is how to do it exactly. Step By Step. All the contacts. methods and tools. Let's get started. 1) The Account You need burner stealth accounts, NEVER use your own eBay account for this method, and NEVER try to open one yourself if you have been already banned. It is too hard to open one yourself and you will just waste time and effort for nothing. ebay has methods to know that you've had previous accounts through various factors. Once you're banned for any reason, you just need to change everything that you've previously used for the banned/suspended eBay account... hardware, bank account, address, etc. This is too hard for the average person to keep up with. Lets outsource this to an expert. I use: http://buyvcc.com/ - They offer 3 types of accounts, and give you a free Proxy RDP to use and FULL SUPPORT, so they will help you get your items online and start selling. They will call in and get everything approved for you. They are experts and know EXACTLY what to say. Let them do this work, you focus on making that money. Another is: http://openvcc.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=67&product_id=67, I haven't used them and can't vouch, but they look legit. Each account from BuyVCC.com comes with a verified attached PayPal, and they will even help you extract the money. Make sure you use their provided RDP, otherwise you will make a mistake and lose your account. When you first get your account, do NOT just log in and post immediately . If you do, it’ll get you suspended pretty fast. When you’re logging in from a new lo cation, new IP address it’s important that you give your account some time to adjust and recognize your computer, so when you first get into your account, and have executed a method to make sure your account isn’t linked in any way to a previous account that you’ve owned, spend 1-2 days logged into your account, spend time browsing around looking for items, and watch items that you search up. This allows for the account to start downloading cookies and files onto your user account, which is a good thing (because you want the account to reco gnize your new IP and user profile as “safe”). 2) First Listing & Getting Feedback The first item that you list up on eBay is the most important item you will ever list on the account. Why? Because eBay manually screens every first listing, and if the agents screening the listing feel that it is too high risk , they’ll just shut the account do n’t befo re you ever get the chance to continue selling. That is why it is absolutely crucial that you list a low risk item for your first item. You don’t actually need to sell this item, you just need to keep it up for 1-2 days so that your account passes manual verification. After you’ve done this for 2-3 day s, and you’re ready to st art listing… Usually, a good item to list fo r your first it em is a paperback or hardcover book (don’t list ebooks or you’ll get suspended). Start the listing around $10-15, and use real pictures (not ones you get from google) and real descriptions (not something that you just copy and paste from Amazon). List it as preowned or used – you don’t want to mak e it brand new. Your first listing needs to be very realistic – with real pictures and information as stated before. You need to put an appropriate tit le, put it in the right category, and make sure you upload your own photos, not one you got from Google or Amazon. Spend time to write an realistic description – if the title, image, o r descript ion don’t look realist ic, they can and will shut down your account! With your first listing, make sure that you start off by listing only 1 item. Don’t list up 4-5 items at one time, because your priority is to break in the account. Once you list the item, wait 24-48 hours to let eBay manually review the items. After 48 hours, you can delist the item or go ahead and sell it if you want to. After this process, you’re ready to start selling other things. DO NOT PAD YOUR FEEDBACK BY BUYING CHEAP ITEMS IN THE BEGINNING. eBay has recognized that people do this now and will shut you down for “suspicious behavio r”. You need at least a 10 feedback to keep under eBay's Radar. Create 10-20 list ings of random products, make sure you put LOCAL PICK UP ONLY and keep a list. Go to fiverr.com and do a search for "Ebay Feeback" buy a gig for $5. Each provider normally gives 10 feedbacks from random, aged accounts for this. This is perfect for making your stealth account look 100% legit, when you list your first product . 3) The Product It's simple: Sell Microsoft Product Keys, you can get them for less than $5 bucks on DarkNet and they go for between $50-$100 on eBay and sell like hot cakes, you will be completely amazed at how fast they go. Also you could sell Gift Cards or Xbox codes, I have tried these and Microsoft keys work the best. They sell the fastest, and have the highest profit margin. Here is a guy doing this method right now: He has sold 20 in the last 3 days already. That is $1100 already on just this listing. Make sure you mention that they will JUST GET THE KEY, and it is a DIGITAL DELIVERY, that they will get within a few hours, make sure you deliver them to the clients when you say you will, as they get antsy and will call PayPal or eBay and start getting red flags on your account. You want to STAY UNDER THE RADAR for as long as possible. You absolutely have to be available for questions at all times. The general rule of thumb is that you want to respond to questions within 1 hour. I know it seems harsh, but eBayers are a panicky people. As soon as they can't get you, they will call eBay or PayPal, which YOU DO NOT WANT. Likewise, always be professional and polite. There are times where you’ll want to slap someone but KEEP YOUR CALM. List as many as possible. Change the titles, list in different categories. List at different prices. You want to capture as much of the market as possible, for example. List 1: Microsoft Windows 8.1, Instant Download, Product Key Sent to your Email: $39.99 List 2: Windows 8.1 Enterprise Operating System Activation Key With OS Download: $69.99 List 3: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional Full Install 32/64 bit w/Product Key: $59.99 They all are for the same product, but with price diffraction, you can capture more of the market . Keep the Paypal account clear, do not leave more than $200-$300 in there at one time. You will get locked eventually. You will get the dreaded: MC999 eBay account restriction email/message. The init ial MC999 where they tell you to call within 48 hours is super easy to pass, let BuyVCC.com handle this for you. Email support and forward them the email or message. Basically eBay wants to hear you tell them you plan to sell something simple like household items in the future and you will ship everything with tracking blablabla and everything is in your possession. Basically what they want to hear is that you have the items you want to list in hand so you can ship, and that you're not a professional seller using a drop shipper and/or you didn't understand what you were doing was wrong. BuyVCC.com will handle this, call ebay and get you back on track. You will not get a second chance. The next MC999 eBay account restriction email/message you get, it will be time to burn the account. Secondly, PayPal might lock your account, and demand invoices for the items that you are selling. This is easily resolved. Call PayPal and tell them you are a REGISTERED MICROSOFT PARTNER, and you are authorized to sell digital licenses. I f they ask for more documentation, go to: https://partner.microsoft .com/en-us Find a partner that is from your Fake Account's same city and tell them you are a part owner of the company. This is all they will need. When they unlock your account, DO NOT WITHDRAW MONEY for at least 3-4 days. It just will result in another account lock, and this time it will be for 180 days. Buy some things, send some to friends, and other things other than witdrawing to get the Cash out. 3) Keep Selling and Selling and Selling Change the wording and images and KEEP selling, making sure to keep that PayPal account to a minimum. Buy things on eBay, send some money to a friend, mix it up. But KEEP EXTRACTING FUNDS one way or another. The next lock is coming and there is a 50/50 chance you might not see your money for a while and they will put you on a 180 day lock. You can get past an 180 day lock by using a service that will get you money faster: Do a search on DarkNet or Google. There are MANY who claim they can get it out faster, for a percentage. PayPal should eventually give you your money, as you didn't scam it, and the people gave it to you willfully. It just might take 6 months. Don't worry, buy another account and start over. In 6 months you will get a happy surprise! 4) Getting your Cash Like we said before, this is not stolen cash. The only way PayPal will not eventually give your the money is if they find that you are not who you say you are. Make sure you only upload high quality documents if asked to do so. Let BuyVCC.com handle any problems that may come up. This will keep you in the clear. Now you can withdraw the money, buy things and sell them, buy gift cards. If you bought the VERIFIRED PAYPAL/eBAY Package then you can go to LocalBitcoins.com and exchange your PayPal for Bit coins. This is what I did, and it is by far the best method or keeping your value, while staying low key within PayPal. A bank withdrawal in paypal forces your account through a much st ronger algorithm that could force your account lock. Sending cash as gifts or buying things with PayPal funds is much, much safer. Ext ra Tips: 1) Use more than one burner account at a time, but list different products. For example use one to list Microsoft Office and another to list Windows 8.1. You do not want to cannibalize your own sales.