#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- intro=""" Bitbit meets Botbot Name :Bitbit view checker Crew : Annoyingcalc """ print(intro); import requests, time, sys, urllib, hashlib, re address = "http://bitbin.it/OnI7o5T5" #change this with the url you want to check hits=0 data = requests.get(address) print(data.text[5660:5665] + data.text[5670:5673]) #Change this with the number of letters the title is bigger than untitled, YOU MUST DO THIS FOR IT TO WORK!! hits = data.text[5660:5665] while data.status_code == 200: data = data.text[5660:5665] + data.text[5670:5673] #data = data.text[5705:5710] + data.text[5715:5719] if data[6:9] != hits: hits=data[6:9] print(data) data = requests.get(address) print(data.status_code)