We all know the story of Batman, the fictional hero that stands up for justice and lives in integrity. The reason he became Batman? He wanted to face his fear of bats by turning his intense fear into a source of incredible strength. Even the most courageous people have fears to overcome. Are you afraid of something tangible, like spiders or heights? Maybe you fear failure, change, or something else that's more difficult to pin down. No matter what it is that scares you, learn how to acknowledge, confront, and take ownership of your fear so that nothing can hold you back in life. Recognize when fears become overwhelming. It’s normal to have fears. You may experience fear when you ride a bike for the first time or when you start a new job. However, when fears begin to overtake your life and affect your functioning, they become a problem. If your fears feel overwhelming, the distress from the fear can interfere with your ability to function and you may experience intense anxiety or nervousness. Reflect on your fears and notice how much they affect your life. Are your fears keeping you from moving forward with what you want in your life? The following are some considerations:[1] Your fear causes intense anxiety or panic. You recognize that your fear is not rational. You avoid specific places or situations. Avoidance of the fear causes distress and interferes with your functioning. The fear has persisted 6 months or more. Understand symptoms of fear. Fears often manifest as phobias, which can include situations (fear of public speaking or raising your hand), animals (fear of snakes or spiders), blood, injections, etc. When you experience fear, physiological, mental, and emotional reactions occur, which can include:[2] Racing heartbeat Difficulty breathing Feeling dizzy Sweating Overwhelming anxiety, panic Needing to escape Feeling detached Feeling like you may faint or die Feeling powerless to your fear, even if you know it’s irrational Reflect on any traumatic events. If you’ve experienced a car crash, driving a car may become fearful or you may avoid it altogether. Or perhaps you were robbed walking home, and the thought of walking home again creates panic.There are many ways that fears develop, and it’s natural to avoid previously harmful experiences.[3] While a fear response is natural for this kind of event, some events may be unavoidable. Recognize that your fear is valid, but also needs to be addressed.