using System; using System.Text; namespace HangmanGame { class App { static void Main() { Hangman h = new Hangman(); h.Start(); } } class Hangman { public void Start() { String hangman = @" ___________ | | | 0 | /|\ | / \ | |"; Console.WriteLine(hangman); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to a basic hangman game. You simply try to guess random word one letter at a time"); string[] words = new string[] {"test", "programming", "microsoft"}; Random random = new Random(); String guess = words[random.Next(0, words.Length)]; StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(" "); bool gameOn = true; for (int i = 0; i < guess.Length; i++) { if (word[i] == ' ') { word[i] = '_'; } } Console.WriteLine(word); while (gameOn) { string letter = Console.ReadLine(); for (int i = 0; i < guess.Length; i++) { if (guess[i].ToString() == letter) { word[i] = Convert.ToChar(letter); } } if (word.ToString().Trim() == guess) { gameOn = false; Console.WriteLine("You won the game!"); } Console.WriteLine(word); } } } }