--[[ Script: Start Lib v0.2 Author: SurfaceS Goal : save the start values Required libs : none Exposed variables : start, file_exists USAGE : Load the libray from your script Add start.OnLoad() to your script/library OnLoad() function v0.1 initial release v0.1b added system clock (lol is based on day) v0.2 BoL Studio Version ]] if start ~= nil then return end -- need to be moved some day in a lib if file_exists == nil then function file_exists(path) local file = io.open(path, "rb") if file then file:close() end return file ~= nil end end if LIB_PATH == nil then LIB_PATH = debug.getinfo(1).source:sub(debug.getinfo(1).source:find(".*\\")):sub(2) end start = { configFile = LIB_PATH.."start.cfg", save = {}, gameStarted = false, } function start.OnLoad() if start.tick ~= nil then return end -- init values start.window = {W=tonumber((WINDOW_W ~= nil and WINDOW_W or 0)),H=tonumber((WINDOW_H ~= nil and WINDOW_H or 0))} start.tick = tonumber(GetTickCount()) start.osTime = os.time(t) start.teamEnnemy = tonumber((TEAM_ENEMY ~= nil and TEAM_ENEMY or 0)) if file_exists(start.configFile) then dofile(start.configFile) end for i = 1, objManager.maxObjects, 1 do local object = objManager:getObject(i) if object ~= nil and object.type == "obj_AI_Minion" and string.find(object.name,"Minion_T") then start.gameStarted = true break end end if start.save.osTime ~= nil and (start.save.osTime > (start.osTime - 120) or start.gameStarted) then start.window.W = start.save.window.W start.window.H = start.save.window.H start.tick = start.save.tick start.teamEnnemy = start.save.teamEnnemy else start.file = io.open(start.configFile, "w") if start.file then start.file:write("start.save.osTime = "..start.osTime.."\n") start.file:write("start.save.window = { W="..start.window.W..", H="..start.window.H.." }\n") start.file:write("start.save.tick = "..start.tick.."\n") start.file:write("start.save.teamEnnemy = "..start.teamEnnemy.."\n") start.file:close() end start.file = nil end start.save = nil start.gameStarted = nil start.configFile = nil end