As Charles gets home from a long day at work and excited for the weekend to start off, he kisses his wife Melissa hello, moves to the second bedroom where his 8 month old Ryan is sleeping in his cot. Getting comfortable and getting rid of his work attire he relaxes on the sofa with glass of wine in his hand while his wife is in the kitchen cooking away madly. He opens the book, but cant help but stare at the cover page of this yellow faded book, with red writing on it in a weird scripture saying Page 13 As he opens the book Charles feels like he doesnt know if he actually can be bothered at all to read a whole book. He starts off with Chapter 1 and before long Charles is in the mood to carry on this whirlwind book. He goes through page 1 to 7 fairly quickly but also with the pressure of work he is struggling to not nod off. he reaches page 10 and struggling to keep his eyes open. As he reaches page 13, he hears the doorbell ring. Will you get that honey? charles calls to his wife in the kitchen but strangely no answer. Not thinking much of it he gets up from his comfy sofa and gets to the door opens it and find that no one is there apart from a small brown package on the doorstep, no name just a small box on the doorstep. Charles once again calls into the kitchen for his wife but no answer. He moves towards the kitchen and finding it very hard to understand but the food he smelt her cooking just an hour ago is no where to be seen, his wife is no where to be seen. He starts to worry and run towards Ryan's cot but when he opens the door he finds himself standing in an empty room with paintings covered in sheets and paint cans lying everywhere What the hell is going on charles is thinking Be Back tomorrow fo rChapter 3!!!!