I agree with your comment wholeheartedly! I admit that basically I am a shy person, rather reserved, but I can hold my own with anyone debating a topic with me, I have a fierce temper and stubborness that was handed down to me by my ancestors. At times I even get physical, which I admit is not the most feminine thing in the world, but it does happen. What can I say. It is at those times that my husband rises to the challenge and "enjoys" our "interlude" so much!! He never is abusive, in language or physically, but the "magic" that happens between us during those episodes, his quiet yet dominating spirit, is something that I will not give up for anything in the world. Our souls meld, and we are one. I never did like the word "submissive", but "resistant" I am. Thankyou for your great article. by Tinkerslady on 2004 Sep 23 - 18:34 | reply to this comment The Strong, Submissive Woman Stephen - Thanks for your comment, very interesting, and I agree with you. I have no argument with what you said, I merely have a personal preference for a woman who expresses herself in resistant ways rather than just submissive ways. There's no question many submissive women are strong and even dominant in their lives, but I want a woman who is not afraid to express that with me too. Not a woman who wants a submissive man -- I am far from that -- but one who while being resistant and in control also wants to be taken in hand. Eric by Eric on 2004 Sep 26 - 19:56 | reply to this comment The difference between submissive and submitting Eric,