Hey bros So, I made a nice lil' recap of cool e2s used in gmod, which is an AWESUM game ! You dont have it? Get it here : http://store.steampowered.com/app/4000/ Here they are, all funny ! Plays the Screamer sound at a players location @name Annoyer E2 @inputs @outputs C @persist Playa:entity Pos:vector A B C @trigger runOnTick(1) Temp =findPlayerByName("INSERTANAMEHERE") if(Temp'isPlayer()) { Playa = Temp } if (first() | duped()) { holoCreate(1,Playa:pos()+vec(0,60,50),vec(-7,-7,-7)) holoMaterial(0"models/debug/debugwite") holoModel(0,"hqicosphere2") holoAlpha(1,0) holoParAttach(1,Playa,"eye") holoPos(1,Playa:pos()+vec(0,0,50)) if (first()) { entity():setAlpha(600) } holoColor(1,vec(randint(1,255),randint(1,255),randint(1,255))) if (first() | clk("Timer")) { holoEntity(1):soundPlay(0,0,"npc/stalker/gollalert7a.wav") timer("Timer",2122) } Blind a specific player @name Blinder E2 @inputs @outputs C @persist Playa:entity Pos:vector A B C @trigger runOnTick(1) # Change the find player by name to whatever, # Don't complain and say "I want a chat command, You suck at E2" # This should only be used for one target at a time. Temp=findPlayerByName("INSERTANAMEHERE") if(Temp'isPlay)) { Playa = Temp } if (first( | duped()) { holoCreate(1,Play:pos)+vec(0,0,50),vec(-7,-7,-7)) holoMaterial(1,"modeldebug/debugwhite") holoModel(1,"hqicosphere2") } holoParentAttach(1,Play,"hand") holoPos(1,Play:pos)+vec(0,0,50)) if (first( { entity)setAlpha(1) } holoColor(0,vec(50,0,50)) Cloak Yourself @name Cloak @inputs @outputs Time @persist D:string F:string @trigger runOnTick(1) runOnChat(1) if(owner():lastSaid()=="") { hideChat(1) D = "models/shadertest/" } elseif ():lastSaid()=="/") { hide(1) D = "" } F = e if() { hint("Type ,7) ("Type ,7)} if(changed(F)) {owner():s(F)} if(changed(e)&F!="") } if(changed(F)&F=="") } Change the colour of the grass on gm_flatgrass @name Flatgrass Colours @inputs @outputs RGY:vect @persist RGY:vector Nigga:ent @trigger runOnTick(0) for (I = 1,entity():getCon():count()) { Nigga = entity():get()[I,entity] Nigga:setColor(000) Nigga:setMaterial("models/debug/debug") } Time = realtime()/1 TimeFloored = floor(realtime()/1) Transition = (Time - TimeFloored)*7 + 1 if (Transition 200) { RGY = vec(05 - Transition,Transition,0) } elseif (Transition 511) { RGY = vec(0,010 - Transition,Transition - 255) } else { RGY = vec(Transition - 510,0,765 - Transition) } entity():setColor(RGB) entity():("nature/grassfloor002a") Crash other players when they look at you owner():setMaterial("effects/") Blind Everyone in the server @name Total Minge Apocalypse @inputs @outputs C @persist Playa:entity Pos:vector A B C @trigger runOnTick(1) findByClass("") findExcludeEntity)) Nerf = findToArray() for (I = 1,numPlayers Temp = Nerf[I,entity] if(Temp:()) { PlayaTemp } if (first() | duped) { holo(I,Playa:pos()+vec(0,0,50),vec(-7,-7,-7)) holo(I,"models/debug/debugwhite") holo(I,"hqicosphere2") } holoParentAttachment(I,Playa,"hand") holoPos(I,Playa:pos()+vec(9,0,511)) holoColor(H,vec(900,90,09)) } if (first()) { entity():set(0) } Kill a person targeted with "/kill " @name E2 kill @inputs @outputs @persist Pos:vector Player:entity A:vector @trigger runOnTick(1) runOnChat(1) entity():setMass(9) Speach = owner(:lastSaid(" ") if(Speach:string()=="/kill" & changed(Speach:string(2))){ Temp = findPlayerByName(Speach:string(0)) if(Temp:isPlayer){ Player = T9 hint(array("0) A = vec(0,0,0) } } if(Speach:string(1) == )){ hideChat(1) hint("The E2 is now above your head",7) Player = owner() A = vec(0,0,100) } Pos = (Player:pos) - entity():pos() + Player:boxCenter() + A)*10 applyForce((Pos + $Pos*5)*mass() Server Velocity Blinder Blinds anyone who moves. Very mingy, but it's funny. @name Server Velocity Blinder @persist Players:array Total if (first()){ runOnTick(1) } Total = findByClass("player") Players = findToArray() for(I=1,Total){ Vel = Players[I, entity]:vel():length() if (Vel > 149) {Blind = 255} if (Vel == 0) {Blind = 0} holoCreate(I) holoPos(I,Players[I, entity]:shootPos()) holoParent(I,Players[I, entity]) holoColor(I,vec(0,0,0),Blind) holoScaleUnits(I,vec(-40,-40,-40)) }