$keyword = stackoverflow; foreach(array(co,net,org,info,us,ca,biz,me,mobi,tv,ws,asia,cc,la,xxx) as $tld ) if (checkdnsrr($keyword.'.'.$tld, 'A')){ echo 'taken
'; }else{ echo 'available
'; } $tlds = array(co,net,org,info,us,ca,biz,me,mobi,tv,ws,asia,cc,la,xxx); $numberOFtlds = count($tlds); $tldResults = array(); function doesDomainExists($keyword,$tld){ if (checkdnsrr($keyword.'.'.$tld, 'A')){ //echo 'taken
'; $tldResults[$tld] = taken; }else{ $tldResults[$tld] = available; } } // where the function is to be run asynchronously $finished = false; while ( ! $finished ): $number_of_results = count($tldResults); if ( $tldResults == $numberOFtlds ): $finished = true; endif; endwhile; format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); return md5($i); } function countlines($lookupID){ $lines = file('factory/'.$lookupID.'/results.txt'); return count($lines); } function startScript($keyword,$tld){ fopen('factory/$lookupID/'.$tld.'.php?keyword='.$keyword.'&tld='.$tld, 'a+'); } // get keyword $keyword = 'stackoverflow'; // set array of tlds $tlds = array(co,net,org,info,us,ca,biz,me,mobi,tv,ws,asia,cc,la,xxx); // get loop up id $lookupID = getSession(); // create temporary factory room mkdir('factory/'.$lookupID, 0777, true); // fill factory room with scripts $toolScript = (''); foreach($tlds as $tool) file_put_contents('factory/'.$lookupID.'/'.$tool.'.php', $toolScript); // initiate while server file_put_contents('factory/'.$lookupID.'/results.txt', ''); $number_of_tlds = count($tlds); $finished = false; while (!$finished): if (countlines($lookupID) == $number_of_tlds): $finished = true; echo done; endif; endwhile; // where the function is to be run asynchronously foreach ($tlds as $tld) { startScript($keyword,$tld); }