Solo a star wars story box office => I hope they end up doing more with her character in future installments or side stories even if it ends up being another television spin-off like Clone Wars and Rebels. Who cares why Han was on Tatooine to begin with? Directed by , produced by and distributed by , it is the second following 2016. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Forum. Itself Perhaps the most important factor will be the reality that Solo opens just five months after The Last Jedi. Bettany Avengers: Infinity War is generally wasted as a villain lacking a stronger sense of identity or menace. Howard took over directing duties for the remaining three-and-a-half weeks of scheduled principal photography and five weeks of reshoots. After Beckett steals the coaxium, he tries to keep Han talking long enough to sneak his gun out to shoot Han. In June 2018, in response to the film's poor commercial performance, director Ron Howard tweeted he was proud of the film, and sorry that fans were not turning out to see it, but was happy for those who had enjoyed it. I have extensively written about all of said subjects for the last ten years. Bad choice in the lead actor. Powell revealed the track listing on his page. Once topside, the characters stick to their ruse for about five minutes and things immediately go bad and then it's just one messy, ongoing action sequence. Solo Is Officially the First Star Wars Movie to Flop - Vary notes that the film also had specific troubles that made it more expensive than it was intended to be—which means it needs to earn even more in order to break even. The on-set rumors and sources have relayed a badly conceived marriage between the directors, given to improv and irreverence, and Kennedy's sense of what a Star Wars movie should include. For the first time since Solo a star wars story box office of the Sith in 2005, a new Star Wars movie will open in May — just in time for Memorial Day weekend, which can often be a very lucrative time for the film industry as schools begin their summer break. Read on for a detailed analysis of what to expect from Solo: A Star Wars Story. The Disney- Star Wars Era So Far… The Star Wars franchise has prospered about as well as anyone could have imagined since the Disney ownership era began five and a half years ago. To be fair, though, Rogue One endured its own version of behind-the-scenes drama, prematurely spooking fans but ultimately turning out to be a hugely successful and well-received blockbuster. The truth is that very few films in the entire franchise have ever escaped some sort of production turmoil whether perceived or genuine that spawned unnecessary rumor-mongering and panic among die hard fans the original 1999-2005 prequels being the only true exceptions to this trend. Yet, fans still turn out in droves every time. Itself Perhaps the most important factor will be the reality that Solo opens just five months after The Last Solo a star wars story box office. Not having the euphoric buzz from The Force Awakens leading into this anthology film, as was the case with Rogue, is another important element to keep in mind. Word of mouth and reviews, as always, will be crucial to the long term success of Solo. Still, none of this is meant to cast a shadow over the potential of Solo. This franchise has always served as an all-too-relevant parable for hope triumphing over despair, while simultaneously serving as fun, escapist fare built for all ages. If the efforts thus far of Disney, Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy, and the entire Star Wars team are any indication, it will be the fans who embrace such a philosophy that Solo will best appeal to. I also think you guys are severely underpredicting Deadpool 2. Most people myself included love the prequels, and they established an even larger fan base. I saw it 42 times in theaters, so you better believe prequel lovers like me are responsible for the success too. The critics were heavily criticized for being sell outs and giving fake reviews which they are not so fond to repeat, Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 70% many users gave a not attending mark with call to action to Boycott, as well as heavy call to Boycott on youtube as well. For Solo, original directors fired last minute reshooting, 1 actor being removed due to a last minute reshoot due to change in directors and conflict in scheduling with another movie. Bad choice in the lead actor. This movie will do bad. Personally I will not be attending this or any other Star Wars movies till they make some series changes. You got it, about half the sites that are doing box office predictions and reviews have locked comments. Here is Businessinsider story about production issues with solo from start to finish. I would read it before you decide to see the movie at the theatres.