Magic Likes’s Guide to becoming InstaFamous! (how to get likes and followers on Instagram) Gaining followers on Instagram has never been easier. Follow this simple guide to find out how I went from gaining 10 followers a day to 500+ a day in just of 2 months! The basics The first step on your journey to becoming Instagram famous is choosing what type of account you are using. On Instagram, the best way to gain a following is by being consistent. Choose a category and stick to it. For example, one of my newer accounts, @shitdudeslike, only posts pictures of cars and women. People follow him because they know they will be entertained with pictures of cars and women everyday. Building up active followers While this might sound odd, building a following on Instagram is extremely easy to do if you target the right audience. The easiest way to build up a following on Instagram is by tapping into someone else’s followers. There are five main ways of tapping into another user audience. They are listed below. Step 1: Buying followers and Likes Reason Why: · Instagram account instantly become more reputable · Grow your account 100x faster · Reach out to larger audiences · Instantly able to use strategy 5 · For $15, magic likes can help save you a month of work While this step is not needed, it will actually help improve all of the other strategies while also saving you about a month of initial work. Here at magic likes we can offer very high quality real looking followers and likes for an extremely low price. Gaining your initial following will take time. For most instagram accounts, it can take about two months of solid work before your start to see natural growth. However, buying followers or likes will help you skip these initial 2 months of working. You will instantly look like a reputable instagram account and can even start to take advantage of strategy 5 (shout out for shoutout). Step 2: Make your account Professional Before even trying to gain followers, you should do a few things. 1. Post a few pictures: no one will follow your account if they do not know what kind of pictures you are going to be posting. Be sure to only upload high quality pictures that are cropped to fit on instagram. 2. Fill out your Profile information: When people click on your account, they are going to want to know what type of account they are about to follow. Make sure to completely fill out your Instagram bio so people know what type of account you are 3. Profile Picture: nothing looks more unprofessional then not having a profile picture. It takes 2 seconds to do and will dramatically increase your follower Step 3: “Follow, Follow, Follow” Assuming you followed step 1, you will only have to perform step 3 for a few weeks. However, if you decided to skip step 1, be prepared to perform step 3 everyday for the next 2 months. Following people on instagram is the easiest way to build up your initial following. However, following random people is not going to get you followers. It is important to make sure you are targeting the kind of people that will enjoy your content. The best way I found was by 1. Finding an Instagram account: Look for an account that posts the same kind of pictures you do. Make sure they have a big following and post frequently. 2. Click on there most recent picture and then click on the likes. 3. Follow everyone that liked the picture: it is better to follow people that have liked recent pictures because you know for a fact they are willing to like pictures when they show up in there feed 4. Sit back and watch the followers start to roll in At first, it will be hard to gain followers because people are not as willing to follow an account with less then a few thousand followers. The follow back rate will seem pretty week until you have built up your initial few thousand followers. This is why step 1 is highly recommended. Once you have built up enough followers to where your account looks reputable, you can stop following people. Expected time spent on this step: 2-3 weeks if you did step 1 2-3 months if you skipped step 1 Step 3: Commenting Commenting on people pictures is another great way of becoming noticed on instagram. Most of the steps are the same as step 2 except instead of following people who have liked a picture, you will just be commenting on the pictures. 1. Finding an instagram account: Look for an account that post the same kind of pictures you do. Make sure they have a big following and post frequently. 2. Click on there most recent picture and then click on the comments 3. Post a comment that will attract users to your account This is a great way to attract other users to your account without having to follow people. It is easy, fast, and will get you tons of likes and followers. Step 4: Liking pictures Liking other peoples pictures is another great way of attracting potential followers without having to follow people. The steps are almost the exact same as step 2. 1. Finding an instagram account: Look for an account that posts the same kind of pictures you do. Make sure they have a big following and post frequently. 2. Click on their most recent picture and then click on the likes. 3. Instead of following the accounts that liked the picture, click on their profiles 4. Click and like their most recent picture 5. Watch the likes and followers roll in Step 5: Shout out for shout out (S4S) This step will help you gain a massive amount of followers in a very short amount of time. However, most users are not going to do S4S unless you already have a massive following. If you did step 1, you can start this step right away. If you skipped step 1 it will probably take a couple months before people are willing to do S4S with you. Reason why you should do S4S: 1. Gain hundreds or even thousands of followers for free 2. Partner up with other big accounts 3. Attract users to your account without having to do any work This is eventually where you want to get. S4S is the fastest way to become instagram famous. You will gain hundreds or even thousands of followers without having to put in as much work as the other steps. This is the technique I use to gains hundreds of followers in a single day for free. Note: also offers paid shout out if you can not wait to do S4S. And that’s all it takes! This is the exact same strategy I used to build up my 5 different instagram accounts. If you plan to do step 1, Magic Likes offers everything you need to ensure safe, fast, and cheap instagram likes and followers. If you plan to skip step 1, just be patient. It can take time before your account starts to grow naturally. Thoughts or concerns? Post a comment below. Thanks for Reading- POST IN THE COMMENTS BELOW TO GAIN A FEW FOLLOWERS AND LIKES FOR FREE!