In recent months, Israel has stepped up measures to prevent activists from entering Israel and the occupied territories Ramah Kudaimi expected to be questioned when trying to cross the Israeli-Jordanian border this July. She wears the hijab and her parents were born in Syria - factors bound to attract the attention of Israeli border authorities. Kudaimi hoped to cross into the occupied West Bank to join an interfaith delegation of people of colour and indigenous people who wanted to witness life on the ground in Palestine. Instead, Kudaimi said she was interrogated for two hours by Israeli border guards in an office on the Israeli side of the Allenby Bridge, which connects the West Bank to Jordan. She told Al Jazeera that she was accused of being a liar, of being a terrorist, and of wanting to bomb Israel. Israeli guards searched the web for information on Kudaimi and found out that she worked for the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. According to Kudaimi, one interrogator wanted details about who the organisation worked with in the occupied Palestinian territories.