#WalmartElves #BlackFriday Tweet storm ALL DAY #N29 Keep the #WalmartElves Twitter search filled with messages in support of #WalmartStrikers. Use these tweets or make your own and use #WalmartElves hashtag in solidarity with #WalmartStrikers. There are currently 8 parody #WalmartElves Twitter accounts that were suspended with no explanation except that using “Walmart Elves” violates Wal-Mart’s rights. #FreeTheWalmartElves tweets about the censorship of parody accounts are at the bottom. COPY PASTE! ************************************************************************************************** @Walmart, #WalmartElves ‪#BoycottWalmart‬ in support of working families. The elves stand w/ ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ ‪pic.twitter.com/mx1BIUz9tM‬ ‪#WalmartElves‬ stand with ‪#WalmartStrikers‬. Visit ‪http://blackfridayprotests.org/ ‬to show ‪#solidarity‬ at a Walmart near you. ‪http://twitpic.com/dmpmrj ‬ Hey @Walmart! You can't suspend a ‪#hashtag‬ ‪#WalmartElves‬ are in ‪#Solidarity‬ w/ ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ ‪#OWM‬ ‪#OWS‬ ‪#Anonymous‬ ‪pic.twitter.com/a8jM9K3DQY‬ @Walmart, the Waltons "wage" would = $25K/minute! ‪P‬ay a #livingwage to #WalmartElves & ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ ‪pic.twitter.com/VcaQL0v21z‬ Text @WALMART to 225568 to say you stand with ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ and #WalmartElves on ‪#BlackFriday‬ @Walmart, listen to the #WalmartElves & #WalmartStrikers! Pay enough to raise a family on! ‪http://thndr.it/16S3f38 ‬ @WalmartNewsroom, exactly how do parody ‪#WalmartElves‬ accounts violate @Walmart’s rights? Tell @Twitter to unsuspend & ‪#FreeTheWalmartElves‬ ‪@Walmart‬ you’re ranked #2 on ‪@FortuneMagazine‬'s ‪#Fortune500‬ list! ‪#SHAME‬ ‪on you for ‬STARVATION WAGES ‪http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2012/snapshots/2255.html‬ #WalmartElves ‪@Walmart, you ‬donated $2.1 MILLION to anti-environmental lawmakers btwn 2005-2012. #RaiseTheWage ‪#WalmartElves‬ @Walmart, the Labor Board sides w/ #WalmartStrikers. You can’t silence #WalmartElves anymore http://billmoyers.com/2013/11/22/labor-board-sides-with-workers-wal-mart-can%E2%80%99t-silence-employees-any-longer/ pic.twitter.com/dqnDJP77sQ Hey ‪@Walmart‬ Why are you spamming Twitter users? Isn't that against ‪@twitter‬ TOS? ‪#WalmartElves‬ @Twitter, stop @Walmart from Ad Spamming Us. The #WalmartElves stand w/ #WalmartStrikers Petition: https://www.change.org/petitions/twitter-board-of-directors-stop-walmart-from-ad-spamming-us#share Dear ‪@Walmart‬, Did you know your underpaid ‪#Walmart‬ Associates WANT TO WORK FULL TIME? ‪http://forrespect.org/ ‬ Love, The 99% ‪#WalmartElves‬ @Walmart, While Your Ex-CEO Pockets $113mil Pension, you can pay #WalmartElves a #Livingwage http://ow.ly/i/3Qv8C http://ow.ly/rde0X @WalmartNewsroom Even the #WalmartElves think @Walmart is an economic cancer on our cities http://www.salon.com/2013/11/10/walmart_an_economic_cancer_on_our_cities/ @Walmart, obey NLRB ruling & stop intimidating employees who exercise their rights. #WalmartElves support petition -> http://afl.salsalabs.com/o/4023/c/33/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=7526&track=20131125_adv_BF_TW @WalmartNewsroom, Walton family has estimated over $144.7 billion fortune. #WalmartElves refuse to accept #LowWages! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joe-hansen/why-the-fight-at-walmart_b_4339936.html @Walmart #WalmartElves will #BoycottWalmart till you stop contributing to #SurvellianceState. http://walmart1percent.org/2013/11/27/walmarts-data-collection-comes-to-light-the-company-has-info-on-an-estimated-145-million-americans/ http://twitpic.com/dmxgv6 It takes courage to speak out and risk losing your job. #WalmartElves & ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ deserve our support: ‪http://bit.ly/tellwalmart ‬ @Walmart, The "Walmart Economy" is a disaster for most Americans! Listen to #WalmartElves and #WalmartStrikers ‪http://huff.to/18L0XBY ‬ ‪@Walmart, Stop‬ ‪#Austerity‬! Waltons get rich while ‪#WalmartElves‬ #WalmartStrikers average $15,500 #RaiseTheWage ‪http://twitpic.com/dmxi96 ‬ @Walmart, Alonso Osvaldo makes $18,000 working full-time at Walmart & wants Walmart to respect workers. #WalmartElves http://makingchangeatwalmart.org/2013/11/24/osvaldo-alonso/ @Walmart, Patricia Locks is a single mom scraping by on $19,000 a yr #WalmartElves say #RaiseTheWage http://makingchangeatwalmart.org/2013/11/22/patricia-locks/ #WalmartStrikers @Walmart, #WalmartElves Know #WalmartStrikers & Workers Call for Decent Pay, Not Hand Outs! #RaiseTheWage @WalmartNewsroom,#WalmartElves agree w/ @ColbertReport! @Walmart needs to pay workers a #livingwage http://on.cc.com/1fVvv5s @WalmartNewsroom, #WalmartElves think @Walmart could pay full-time workers a #livingwage w/o raising prices http://huff.to/1ev7P7i ‪@Walmart‬! CAN YOU HEAR US? #WalmartElves say PAY YOUR WORKERS A LIVING WAGE! @Walmart, you're facing prosecution for violating rights of #WalmartStrikers 117 violations is enough! http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/523469/20131119/walmart-labor-board-employees-staff-strikes-protests.htm #WalmartElves @WalmartGiving, #WalmartElves stand with 1000s of Walmart workers forced to rely on assistance because of low pay, understaffing. ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ @WalmartGiving, please help @Walmart associates live better! #RaiseTheWage for #WalmartElves and #WalmartStrikers! ‪@walmart‬ still hasn't paid the $7,000 fine for the employee trampled to death on ‪#BlackFriday‬ 2008 ‪http://tmi.me/1cFJ5F ‬ ‪#WalmartElves‬ Look at ‪@Walmart‬ ´s Latino exploitation throughout the supply chain - ‪#WalmartElves stand with‬ ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ ‪pic.twitter.com/5L4tOciWQq‬ ‪@Walmart‬, You Can Pay Lobbyist Behind Smears Of ‪#BlackFriday‬ ‪#WalmartStrikers‬, so #RaiseTheWage! ‪http://fdl.me/1b4zjfh ‬ ‪#WalmartElves‬ Why America is Broken: Meet Alice Walton: ‪http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread915392/pg1 …‬ | ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ ‪#OWM #WalmartElves‬ ‪#BlackFriday‬ @Walmart, Court records show you’re guilty of illegally dumping toxic chemicals into our environment. http://rt.com/usa/walmart-us-chemicals-suit-924/ #WalmartElves @WalmartNewsroom We are unstoppable, another ‪@Walmart‬ is possible! I agree ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ & ‪#WalmartElves‬ ‪deserve a #livingwage!‬ @Walmart, as big as it is, sets a precedent for all other retail stores, fast food restaurants, etc. When #WalmartElves fight, it's for evry1 ‪@Walmart, you ‬still haven’t paid $7K fine for a death of someone who was trampled during 2008 ‪#BlackFriday‬ event. ‪#WalmartElves‬ Why the Fight at ‪#Walmart‬ Matters ‪http://huff.to/1ev7P7i ‬ ‪@walmart‬ ‪#WalmartStrikers‬ ‪#BlackFriday‬ ****************************************************************************************************** @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend @WalmartElvesLOL #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend @walmart_elves #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend @86WalmartElves #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers @Twitter, please #StopCensorship &#FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend @86WalmartElves_ #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend @walmartelves86 #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend @NoWalmartElves #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend @WalmartElves_ #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend @LOLWalmartElves #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers. @Twitter, please #StopCensorship & #FreeTheWalmartElves. Unsuspend #WalmartElves who support #WalmartStrikers. Parody = #FreeSpeech ‪#FreeTheWalmartElves‬! No more Walmart ‪#Austerity‬! Waltons get rich while ‪#WalmartElves‬ starve & die in ‪#Sweatshops‬ ‪http://twitpic.com/dmxi96 ‬ ‪@Walmart‬ lawyer wants Tumblr to call him 4 explanation of why parody accnts violate copyright ‪http://bit.ly/17DVglm ‬ ‪#FreeTheWalmartElves‬ @Twitter, please ‪#FreeTheWalmartElves‬ b/c parody is protected speech & @Walmart is a bully ‪pic.twitter.com/h4fVSatT4s‬ 8 Suspended #WalmartElves ‪@Twitter‬ WTF ‪@WalmartElvesLOL‬ Has BEEN SUSPENDED? It's CLEARLY a ‪#Walmart‬ parody account! ‪#FreeTheWalmartElves‬ ‪#FreeTheInfo‬ ‪#WalmartElves‬