Python programming for the absolute beginner => I now have a better feel for Object Oriented Programming than I did before. Description: xxiii, 455 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. But as it went on I understood why only 3 starts. However, they differ quite a bit from tuples and lists because they are key-value stores. If the given condition resolves to true like 1 10 , then the code is not executed. Here is what I came up with, and it seems to work! Great way to learn Python with an easy to read book,but Great book, reads well, but the software which is suppose to be on the companion website, is not at the site referred to in the book. This means that once you have created a tuple you cannot update the value of any element in the tuple, nor can you delete an element. For loops iterate a set number of times, whereas while loops can iterate an unknown number of times, or even an infinite number of times. Then we print the fullname variable to the screen. In the above example we have an age variable with value 67. The values are stored in the n1 and n2 variables. Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Michael Dawson - The dust jacket for hard covers may not be included. I'm a python noob and I'm getting to grips with python via 'Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner 2nd Edition - Python 2. The book presents challenges to complete and I'm having trouble getting my head round one of them; any help would be greatly appreciated as I want to get my head around this before I move on. Chapter 3, Challenge 3 - Guess My Number: Modify the code below to limit the number of tries a player has to guess the number. How would I go about doing this. The attempts I've made so far to set a variable, have all ended with python programming for the absolute beginner answer being revealed whether the user gets the answer right or not. Before you had only one exit condition guessing the number but now you have also the limited number of tries. Here is what I came up with, and it seems to work. Looks like you're finished, pardner. There are two problems I can see. Hint: You need to add one line and make a minor adjustment to the two lines above. Take a look back at the while condition to see why. Again, there's a simple way to fix this.