Npm local package => This would normally be deduplicated, but there is a version conflict, so nothing is done in this instance. What if I have some packages that need to be install globally, e. Once published, the build info can be viewed in the under Builds. Since I want to install both, what should I be doing? In short, regular is faster the first time you npm install a package, but after this local-npm is consistently faster by an order of 2-3 times. Finding Outdated Packages and Updating them If you need to find out which packages are out of date, you can do so by typing something like this: npm outdated. You might already be familiar with the outline structure of a node. This will open a subshell in the directory where the package is installed. Though not necessary, this functionality is there if you want it. It will give you a chart showing what is installed, what your application requested, and how that differs from the current version. As you can see, there are quite a few global packages. This comes up a lot in workshops. However, npm installs some packages globally automatically. The npm link docs seem to prefer you to install locally and link globally, but the reverse could be done. Set the Package Type to npm and the Repository Key value. Disclaimer: Great efforts are made to maintain reliable data on all offers presented. Npm Registry - To try this out, execute the commands below from the shell in a convenient folder. If you want to guarantee the use of specific package versions with your project you should install those versions locally and reference them as dependencies, using the specific version numbers you need, in your package. This could be due to a flaky network npm local package, being on a flight or during a workshop. Getting this working has been a dream for a while. They say you should follow your dreams. Unless it's been a while and they haven't followed you back, in which case unfollow them and move on. Luckily, there are a few options available to get npm working offline today. In theory, when you want to installation from the npm cache, you can use the --cache-min flag with a high value. So, why isn't this just a default in npm3. It's the hero Node deserves, but not the one it needs right now The above --cache-min hack has a number of pretty undesirable shortcomings. When using it, npm to the registry over the network if a package has dependencies that aren't already in the cache. It will also if you install a package that depends on a newer version of a package than the one installed in the past. The npm team have about shipping a proper offline flag as-is as most users aren't going to understand the subtleties of how the npm cache works. From what I gather, they are open to eventually shipping full support for an offline experience but npm local package then, let's look at some third party stop gap solutions. It's a Node server that acts like a local npm mirror without needing to do a complete replication of the whole npm registry. Using local-npm, your npm installs are fetched from the registry and then modules and their deps get stored in a local database. This caches them so subsequent npm installs use the local cache rather than calling to the network. It does this by listening for changes to the npm local package registry so you don't have to worry about staleness. There's no need to wait for the complete skimdb download which can take a few hours. It will fall back to the network for any libraries that aren't yet replicated. As mentioned, local-npm is offline-first. It has upfront replication for metadata and tarballs download the first time you install a specific version. You should now be able to open up a new tab and just npm install any dependencies you require using the caching proxy. You can access this at. Publishing packages from local-npm doesn't require any of registry configuration. Just ensure you're online and everything should work as expected. Regardless, it's still a pretty solid stop gap for today and I strongly recommend giving it a shot. Since publishing this post, Nolan has also shared some comparing local-npm to regular npm. In short, regular is faster the first time you npm install a package, but after this local-npm is consistently faster by an order of 2-3 times. Using local-npm with other tools I npm local package local-npm with and Yahoo'swhich only uses npm for package management. Similar to local-npm, once setup any modules requested that aren't in the local cache are fetched from the npm registry lazily. Pretty much all other endpoints get transparently proxied. Alternatives There have been numerous other packages written that aim to offer a caching proxy for npm such asbut I've tried to keep the list short to avoid. Bundling In this post I've looked at offline package installation, but you may also be interested in offline package bundling. This is where you want to bundle a package and all of its dependencies into a single archive for sharing with a system that might be offline. This comes up a lot in workshops. There's an on npm to try improving the bundling story around and.