I'm in a serious relationship with this guy and i know him to be a smoker but before we started dating he told me that he was in the process of trying to quit and i honestly believed him. Six months ago, i noticed he still smokes and when i tried talking to him about it he had a million and one reason to justify himself. This was when i realized that he actually has an addiction problem. I love him a lot and i really want to help him quit this habit but he's not open to any of the ideas I've suggested to him. I suggested him going to a rehab but he came up with the excuse that he can't afford one and that he can't leave his work. I'm thinking of telling his father because he adores his father a lot and listens to him but i don't know how the man will react to the news. On the other hand, i'm thinking of talking to his pastor too which he doesn't want me to. I just don't know what else to do. I really want to help him because this addiction of his is seriously messing him up in terms of work, education (he's writing ACCA exams) and generally his life. I would really appreciate your advice and also names of any cheap rehab facilities in Nigeria.