The service uses callback rather than Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to offer low-cost dial-out/dial-in for Telegram. It is the first product for 120 Minutes, a group of developers from Canada and Latvia. callcoin telegram Dmitry Chuyenko “Callcoinbot meets people’s needs on the current stage of new technology development,” 120 Minutes CEO and Callcoin creator Dmitry Chuyenko told “It combines the natural desire to be able to communicate without external supervision and control, with the growing level of understanding and trust in cryptocurrency.” 120 Minutes created Callcoin out of necessity — lawmakers restricted the maximum rates operators could charge within the EU, while permitting them to make huge increases on calls starting or ending outside the bloc. With Telegram, users are offered new levels of security for voice calls. In addition, there is improved call clarity over services using VoIP technology such as Skype. “One has to be a full-fledged telecommunications operator to successfully implement dial-out… to understand the opportunities offered by Telegram and most importantly — have the will and sufficient funds to make a… high-quality integration,” Chuyenko continued. “In my opinion, these conditions had never been complied with before the creation of Callcoin.”