Sexual harassment in the workplace can be physical, verbal or non-verbal, and include the major forms as follows:  Physical forms of sexual harassment such as any unwanted contact, ranging from intentionally touching, caressing, pinching, hugging or kissing to sexual assault or rape.  Verbal forms of sexual harassment include socially and culturally inappropriate and unwelcome comments with sexual overtones such as sexually suggestive jokes or comments about a person’s dress or body made in their presence or directed toward them. They also include persistent proposals and unwelcome requests or persistent personal invitations to go out.  Non-verbal forms of sexual harassment include unwelcome gestures, suggestive body language, indecent exposure, lascivious looks, repeated winks, and gestures with fingers. It also includes the unwelcome display of pornographic materials, sexually explicit pictures and objects, screen savers or posters as well as sexually explicit e-mails, notes or SMS messages.