99 Exclusive Dating Secret For Men Part III 31. At some point through dating, she will say "so where is this going?" or "are you seeing other girls?". Say you are, you like to date around. If she says she wants to be exclusive to you, tell her you'd like a week to think about it. 32. If she asks if she can be your girlfriend, ask if he keeps contact with any of her ex's. If she says yes, tell her you'd like to keep things as they are. Ex's will only cause trouble. 33. Do not talk to any other girls or your ex's. You wouldn't like her to do the same. Return the favor. 34. She has a schedule for the relationship. You can't rush it, so patience and take it extremely slow. 35. The phone is for setting up dates. Don't talk on it for anything but that. Phone calls should last no more than 2 minutes. 36. Do not leave a message on her answering machine. Call back another time. 37. No texting. You can't see her response. 38. Let her do the talking. The more you open your mouth, the worse it will get. Keep everything general. 39. Make the date like an interview. Get to know her. Ask her questions in dept. 40. Everyone makes mistakes. When you do, apologize for it and be done with it. Don't beg for her forgiveness. If she doesn't forgive you right away, leave it for a while. Girls hate beggars. 41. Girls always win arguments. So don't fight them. 42. The girl must be worth it for you. If she isn't what you're looking for, don't call her again. Plain and simple. 43. Girls love attention. They are consistently getting compliments. So don't compliment her other than those two times (see rule 21). They really mean nothing. It also creates challenge and makes you different. 44. Make her need you, not the other way around. Be ready to drop her when you need to. It's not worth getting married one day then having her take your money and kids away. 45. Don't stay in an abusive relationship. Period. Bad for physical and mental health. 46. If she has a bad attitude, she is not your girl. 47. If you call and say "Hey Deanna, this is John", and she responds "John who? Where did we meet again?" say "Sorry, I have the wrong number". Because you do! You want a girl who remembers you, because you were the only one who waited 5-9 days to call. This raises interest level and creates challenge! 48. If she has a boyfriend or is married, don't date her. Even if she plans to dump him or divorce him. 49. Do not beg. I can't stress this enough. 50. Don't date a Bimbo (idiot). You want a smart and intelligent girl who can hold her own.