--Warming up math.random(); math.random(); math.random() price = 37238.90 stopLossUSD = 100 stopLoss = stopLossUSD/price oldBalance = stopLoss takeProfitPercent = 0.1 takeProfit = oldBalance*takeProfitPercent maxProfit = oldBalance*3 listChance = {24.75, 19.8, 16.5, 13.75, 12.37, 11, 9.9} listPayout = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} listMultiply = {1.35, 1.26, 1.21, 1.17, 1.15, 1.13, 1.12} listMultiplyLost = {10.67, 9.75, 9.6, 9, 9, 8.625, 9} listDivideBalance = {3700, 3800, 4430, 4390, 5170, 5290, 6660} divebalace = 5480 mainbasebet = stopLoss/divebalace basebet = mainbasebet nextbet = basebet multiply = 1.12 multiplyLoss = 8 payout = 10 chance = 9.90 winStreak = 0 maxWinStreak = 0 lossStreak = 0 maxStreakRS = 0 seedRandomizerX = 0 hiloRandomizerX = 0 highProfit = 0 highBalance = oldBalance lowProfit = 0 timeStart = os.clock() timeRun = 0 wager = 0 CHANCE_RANDOMIZER = 0 sleepNext = false lastTime = 0 time = 1800 timeMin = 600 timeMax = 1800 joker = 0 countJoke = 0 function (gendMaxStreakRS)() maxStreakRS = math.random(1,3) if(maxStreakRS <= 1)then maxStreakRS = 0 elseif(maxStreakRS <= 2)then maxStreakRS = payout elseif(maxStreakRS <= 3)then maxStreakRS = payout * 2 end end function seedRandomizer() seedRandomizerX = math.random(1, 3) if(seedRandomizerX == 2)then resetseed() end end function hiloRandomizer() hiloRandomizerX = math.random(1, 3) if(hiloRandomizerX == 2)then hiloRandomizerX = math.random(0, 1) if (hiloRandomizerX == 1) then bethigh = true else bethigh = false end end end function randomChane() CHANCE_RANDOMIZER = math.random(1, 4) if(CHANCE_RANDOMIZER == 1)then CHANCE_RANDOMIZER = math.random(1, #listChance) chance = listChance[CHANCE_RANDOMIZER] chanceBack = chance payout = listPayout[CHANCE_RANDOMIZER] multiply = listMultiply[CHANCE_RANDOMIZER] divebalace = listDivideBalance[CHANCE_RANDOMIZER] multiply = listMultiply[CHANCE_RANDOMIZER] multiplyLoss = listMultiplyLost[CHANCE_RANDOMIZER] end end function jokeDealer() joker = math.random(1, 50) if(joker == 25)then nextbet = 0.00014/price countJoke = countJoke + 1 print("SEND JOKES...") end end function randomSleepTime() time = math.random(1, 6) if(time <= 1)then time = math.random(300, 600) elseif(time <= 3)then time = math.random(600, 1200) elseif(time <= 6)then time = math.random(1200, 1800) end end function sleepToNextBet() if(os.clock() - lastTime <= time)then typeBet = math.random(1, 2) newtime = time - (os.clock() - lastTime) print("[Wait]\t\t[" ..string.format("%.2d:%.2d", math.floor(newtime/60), math.floor(newtime%60)).. "] for next session...") nextbet = 0 jokeDealer() else print("Back to bet...") hiloRandomizer() seedRandomizer() randomChane() gendMaxStreakRS() highBalance = oldBalance + profit mainbasebet = highBalance/divebalace basebet = mainbasebet nextbet = mainbasebet lossStreak = 0 winStreak = 0 sleepNext = false if(maxStreakRS == 0)then nextbet = basebet else nextbet = 0 end end end hiloRandomizer() seedRandomizer() function dobet() wager = wager + nextbet if (win) then winStreak = winStreak + 1 if(lossStreak >= maxStreakRS and lossStreak < maxStreakRS + payout * 2)then maxWinStreak = maxWinStreak + 1 hiloRandomizer() seedRandomizer() randomChane() gendMaxStreakRS() mainbasebet = highBalance/divebalace basebet = mainbasebet nextbet = mainbasebet else winStreak = 0 if(lossStreak >= maxStreakRS + payout * 2)then gendMaxStreakRS() basebet = basebet * multiplyLoss end maxWinStreak = 0 end if(maxStreakRS == 0)then nextbet = basebet else nextbet = 0 end lossStreak = 0 else winStreak = 0 lossStreak = lossStreak + 1 if(lossStreak >= maxStreakRS and lossStreak < maxStreakRS + payout* 2)then if(nextbet == 0) then nextbet = basebet end nextbet = nextbet*multiply else nextbet = 0 end end if(profit >= highProfit)then highProfit = profit highBalance = oldBalance + highProfit elseif(profit < lowProfit)then lowProfit = profit end timeRun = math.floor(os.clock() - timeStart) print("\n\n\n\n\n") print("<==========================================>") if(sleepNext)then sleepToNextBet() print("[Next Bet]:\t["..string.format("%.8f",nextbet*price).."]") print("[Chance]:\t\t["..string.format("%.2f",chance).."]") print("[Payout]:\t\t["..tostring(payout).."]") print("[Streak]:\t\t["..tostring(maxStreakRS).."]") else print("[Next Bet]:\t["..string.format("%.8f",nextbet*price).."]") print("[Chance]:\t\t["..string.format("%.2f",chance).."]") print("[Payout]:\t\t["..tostring(payout).."]") print("[Streak]:\t\t["..tostring(maxStreakRS).."]") print("[Next Bet]:\t["..string.format("%.8f",nextbet*price).."]") print("[Chance]:\t\t["..string.format("%.2f",chance).."]") print("[Payout]:\t\t["..tostring(payout).."]") print("[Streak]:\t\t["..tostring(maxStreakRS).."]") print("[Profit]:\t\t["..string.format("%.8f",profit*price).."] ["..string.format("%.4f",profit/(oldBalance)*100).."]%") print("[Base Bet]:\t["..string.format("%.8f",basebet*price).."] ["..string.format("%.4f",basebet/(oldBalance)*100).."]%") print("[High PF]:\t\t["..string.format("%.8f",highProfit*price).."] ["..string.format("%.4f",highProfit/(oldBalance)*100).."]%") print("[Low PF]:\t\t["..string.format("%.8f",lowProfit*price).."] ["..string.format("%.4f",lowProfit/(oldBalance)*100).."]%") print("[Sleep PF]:\t["..string.format("%.8f",takeProfit*price).."] ["..string.format("%.4f",takeProfit/(oldBalance)*100).."]%") if(timeRun > 0)then print("<==========================================>") print("[Wager]:\t\t["..string.format("%.8f",wager*price).."] ["..string.format("%.4f",wager/(oldBalance)*100).."]%") print("[Per hour]:\t["..string.format("%.8f",wager*price/timeRun*3600).."] ["..string.format("%.4f",wager/timeRun*3600/oldBalance*100).."]%") print("[Per day]:\t\t["..string.format("%.8f",wager*price/timeRun*86400).."] ["..string.format("%.4f",wager/timeRun*86400/oldBalance*100).."]%") end end print("<==========================================>") print("[Jokes ]:\t\t["..string.format("%d",countJoke).."]") print("<==========================================>") if(profit >= takeProfit) then takeProfit = profit + (oldBalance + profit)*takeProfitPercent sleepNext = true lastTime = os.clock() randomSleepTime() nextbet = 0 highBalance = 0 elseif(profit-nextbet <= stopLoss*(-1) or profit >= maxProfit)then stop() end end