Three researchers—Paul Andre from Carnegie Mellon, Michael Bernstein from MIT, and Kurt Luther from Georgia Institute of Technology—ran a research experiment and figured out exactly what people like to read on Twitter. They also discovered what Twitter users call “boring,” and “useless.” The experiment went like this: The researchers created a website called “Who Gives A Tweet?” where people could figure out what people thought about their tweets in exchange for rating other peoples tweets. To ensure people shared their true feelings, they made all of the feedback anonymous. In addition to short answer replies, people were also encouraged to click one of three options “Worth reading,” “Ok,” and “Not worth reading.” And here’s what happened: After 43,778 tweet ratings from 1,433 users, the researchers had a viable dataset and they were able to figure out what Twitter users liked to read and what they hated to read. So, let’s talk about that now. CONTINUE TO